
Rx-78 gundam.

When you gonna sell firesuits for racing and stuff ya know.

You guys act like Clarkson pr guy or assistant didn’t write that for him.. Lol

It’s cute.

So lifted sports cars with their built in adaptations for entry departure angle due to being built lower would rule the roost.

It was dumb in the beta how you had to practically use a tank or other large caliber gun to kill a horse. I really wanted to shoot the horse out from under people and then club them to death before they could recover from their falling animation. Alas it did not happen.

No they want to use his brothers as body doubles and cgi his face on like they did in 7.

Don’t bring him back. If anything have one of his brothers show up in the series as his characters brother that was just never talked about until now and do that. It’s dumb but it’s better than cgi dead guy in a starring role.

No. Don’t do that. JJust disassemble it, every nut and bolt and make him put it back together by himself with only hand tools.

Happened in my 08 Mustang. I just remember seeing this truck getting closer and closer and thinking please stop please stop and they didn't.

When I was young I was washing dishes and my mom put a hot pan down where I was working and burned the flesh off the back of one of my fingers.

I feel like you’re the little vomiting girl from the 6th sense.

When you’re mom’s all like “I don’t want you buying a motorcycle Timmy, they’re not safe” and you buy one anyways, so she runs you over just to prove a point.

With as many explosives and crap that have been chucked into the Mediterranean over the years, I’d be surprised if any vessel traveling through the Mediterranean couldn’t be found to have some trace amount of explosives on it.

Why even bother photoshopping a red car. Just hop on forza, get a silver one, screenshots it with the in game hi-res camera and then stick your crappy bits onto that.

So it’s less caliber, more water gun. And not a good water gun either, like a crappy Chinese knock off that sells for 50 cents at the dollar store.

That shuttle bus, appears to be a Ford.

Was it 4 different colors and you paid 50 grand?

Once you sign the paper and leave the lot it’s your problem. Get over it, you should have known 50 grand for an 87 thunderbird that was 4 colors and had more rattles than a babys’r’us was a bad deal.

No idea how much they go for but, a sunbeam tiger.