Ive also never filed for bankruptcy, trump has a few times, he also took over his fathers multi million dollar business,he didnt build it up from being pennyless.
Ive also never filed for bankruptcy, trump has a few times, he also took over his fathers multi million dollar business,he didnt build it up from being pennyless.
I hear thr youabian puma is still for sale.
Well around here “inner city” crime, means in and around the downtown areas, and typically means homeless people and transients.
But it was a 5 speed and that was reverse not 6th.almost did that in my frontier the other day on the freeway. My mustang is 6 speed so its awkward to switch between them.
Right. Because economically down trodden doesnt preclude nationality unless specifically pointed out as being predominantly as those people.
Nissan still offers a 5 speed manual in the frontier pickup truck.
Only 90%? Whoo manuals must be making a comeback. I would have wagered higher than that.
By making this cotd,you are legitimizing automatics.
Or that stating a factual accuracy concerning logistics of an item not people is not racist.
I didnt say that because i didnt say the thieves are mexican because selling a stolen car in mexico can be done by anyone of any nationality. Its not racism to say it would be taken to mexico,thats what happens because its easier to get rid of it there without getting caught than it is in the us, and the thieves are…
By assuming a logistical and common sense choice of where to sell in whole or parted out a stolen vehicle due to the pure nature ofvthe lack of systems for tracking and recovering stolen vehicles in some way is a slander or prejudice against the people who are ethnically descended from that area.
Trump is an idiot and so are you.
Nothing racist. I never said who was stealing it,just where it was going because thats what happens down here. Dont push your racist feelings on me you dick.
Suburbans are great for insurance scams, take it to the southwest, park it in a crappy part of town while you go to lunch or something and leave the windows cracked and boom shes stolen and across the border to mexico.
He should build the maximum height wall legally allowed between him and his neighbor and affix the maximum amount of flood lights to it pointing toward said neighbor
I kind of want a sculpture of a little naked lady on the hood of my mustang. It woukd scream class and elegance.
Only if you’re a plant.
I bet the fluid is Brawndo, thats the real secret.
Too late, gawker shut down yesterday.