
Don't forget, MS has been trying there best to listen to their customers. I've been impressed with the new CEO.

Sorry, it's been so long since I played NR. I thought it didn't have the wings.

It's basically a much more polished version and has some cool effects.

With gameplay changes.

Wow, you are an inconsiderate ass. Using a R.W to advertise.....wtf?

The difference between this and the 1.6 is that this is a Miata with balls. A Miata that has actual top end thrust. Get on the throttle over 3,500 and your greeted with a VTEC-esque whoosh of acceleration. It's a Miata that doesn't need to be slammed in every gear in order to get up to speed.

Thanks! I'll make sure I do that. Gonna have all day monday free. :)

Same here. It feels like they keep reproducing!

Nice! That's a pretty nice area. Gonna be over near Raleigh this weekend. Anything going on over there Sunday?

Where in NC did you move?

I'm located up near Boone.

You know it's not just an engine technology, right? It's a philosophy.

They've had IRS from the beginning.

Did you look into a service like Old Dominion? You load, they drive. Was awesome for my move; cost $100 more than a Uhaul after Gas and mileage.

That's when I flash my lights at them. Pop-up headlights make it more embarrassing... :P

You can, but it's listed as a kit car.

I want I want I want!!!

Anyone need a kidney?

It's a fad. People just get them because it's popular.

Have you ever tried working with an iPad? It sucks.

I live on Sugar Mountain and it looks nothing like that. It's still busy hosting festivals, bike trails, scenic lift rides; etc...

No, it's 8 gigs of shared ram. CPU and GPU share access to it.