
Another thing that can help is giving them a snack when getting on the plane. Something local, clearly wrapped (not homemade) will go a long way. Doesn’t need to be expensive. Works even better around the holidays.

How could you go from Kubica to Vettel? That’s like cheering for Han Solo in the original trilogy, then deciding you like the First Order in the new movies.

Thank you! I’ve made a GIF of that moment to use the next time someone needs a little educating on how to hold a phone for video:

Pulling a fuse on that’s $50k truck is worth the hassle if it saves you from a $6k repair bill.  

I do too, and I learn ALL SORTS of interesting tidbits. But I think you’d be mistaken in your estimate. Even in car circles, most people laugh at me when I tell them they should sit down and read the Owner’s Manual. “Psh. I know how a car works.”

Then 6 months later they’re saying things like, “HOLY SHIT. THERE IS A

It was definitely this man’s unlocky day.

The log did prove her a liar.  No touch of the wheel during the 80 seconds before the crash.  You can't tell me she tried to brake, but didn't grab the wheel at the same time.  She missed a damn firetruck.  Let that sink in... she missed a big red truck, likely with flashing lights.  It's a miracle this moron didn't

They reaaaaalllyyyy hate Tesla here.

“In an interview with police, Lommatzch said she was looking at her phone prior to the collision, but in the suit she claims she attempted to brake just before the crash, “but the brakes did not engage.””

Why is their such a big sue culture in the USA? It always seems that its someone elses fault do people not have accountability for their own action. The car hit the fire engine because the driver wasn’t paying attention and that’s it.

This. I would also rather have systems that punish them instead of just “making up” for them. It just allows them to keep being idiots. I’d rather a system that ACTUALLY fined/punished people instead of letting them scrape by over and over again.

Interesting that you left out info that every other article I saw about this included.

But the company has come under fire in the past over allegations that its sales staff misled prospective buyers...

Reusing a previous comment:

special safety blanket”

The company might not, but anybody who owns a Lancia is going to be towing it on the regular.

That’s cheating. They should have to do the same challenge but with a classic Lincoln continental or something else big and boaty.

My Sequoia was built in Indiana, by hard working Americans....I often use that to shut up big 3 assholes touting their cars that were built in Canada and Mexico(which I don’t personally have a problem with).

So, presumably, if you were loyal to your brand and owned a car under the umbrella for x number of years, after any separation you are automatically relegated to the badlands? Seems legit.