
yeah, if you need a 3 minute video to explain how a basic function such as shifting gears in your car works, then your engineering department failed miserably... (not) Only in a Jeep

It’s a solution to a problem that didn’t exist. all these electronics in cars in place of mechanical solutions are actually creating more problems then necessary. I guess the engineers need to justify their existence when the times are tough and design these sub-par new “functionalities” that look nice but are

show me which jobs will get eliminated with the autonomous cars and how many of them will it be. The trucking industry could use up to 80k new drivers that are not applying and the current workforce is aging quickly. The cabbies will be better off getting their fat asses out of the cars and doing something else

some industries are primed for this. The trucking industry is facing a driver shortage like they have never seen before. There is about 40 to 80k drivers less than the industry could use. I’m perfectly fine with filling these vacancies with autonomous trucks.

it’s progress, people will find other things to do. Just like they did when horses were eliminated from farming and other industries became more automated. That’s how societies get ahead in life. The ones that don’t adapt get left behind and become 3rd world countries or economies that get exploited by others.

you do not want that job. You’re better off staying in your cube.

there is a lot of good discussion here and a lot of valid points. One of the aspects of the discussion would also be, why this woman with the bike was crossing the street in the first place. It’s not like you can’t see the oncoming car’s headlights so why made her think it’s was OK. Was intoxication a factor here? Who

that is actually a scenario that I never considered. I agree, this will be a great time to ride motorcycles as long as they are not all electric by then ;)

The intersection boundary lines should have light sabers installed that would enable the whole area of an intersection (or cars in it)to be vaporized during the split second that all traffic directions have a red light. It would tremendously improve the traffic flow and eliminate this stupid man made congestion that

so there are nerdy people like me in the world after all. I’ve been attempting to time green lights during my commute for ages now. I’ve gotten pretty good with certain stretches of the road knowing how fast I need to be going on one stretch in order to hit a green wave for a while.

neither do we but one’s believes don’t override the truth and reality. You can believe in unicorns if you feel like but don’t claim that they are true.

you must be flying some nazi airline. I routinely get up and open overhead bin to get to my laptop after take off.

got it but even with NAFTA supply base it’s hard to run JIT with suppliers 1000 to 3000 miles away. I mean it can be done but not 100% optimized/economically. There is a buffer that needs to be built in and one party or the other has to pay for it (i.e. trucker needs to plan to arrive an hour ahead of schedule to

I was talking about the supply chain length. If your suppliers are overseas, then it’s hard to run JIT as your transit time is at best 2 days via airfreight.

JIT doesn’t really work well over supply chains that are days long, unless you don’t care how much it costs to bring it. Even then, with customs entries, airfreight and stuff you can’t bring anything from anywhere in less than 48h sustainably.

there are good transmissions and bad ones. We had a ‘12 Camry SE with paddles and I actually enjoyed driving the car when I had to (wife’s car). Now she upgraded to ‘18 Highlander also in SE trim but no paddles and I hate driving the thing. It’s just stupid whenever you need to accelerate as the car is confused for a

you’re right, but fortunately there are still a handful of companies that have not been infected with the capitalist greed and exist in order to produce honest and good products rather than to make boatloads of profits by selling their sub-par pretty turds to people.

It would make sense if other people didn’t have to carry the burden of their actions. In general, there will be people that because of their own stupidity will require social help for their medical expenses because they also are firm believers in not carrying any medical insurance.

I always found it amusing that people are grossed out by feet. What about hands, or noses? :)

this is why we can’t have nice things (nude beaches) in this country... There’s always someone offended by the nature of body parts.