
Just get a GTI. Most auto companies are guilty of something at some point: airbags, ignition switches, etc. just pick your poison... lol

being a photog at Rally America events in the past I can tell you that once you have the Media vest you get to stand wherever you want within the use of a common sense. You can be way in front of the tape in the ditch if you want.

welcome to corporate america. There are very few companies where making good products for customers comes first and the profit becomes a natural result. Most large companies are in business of making money while making some widgets is a byproduct of this initiative...

I agree. Some say that the new season is a big improvement but I was still about to harm myself when I watched the fake unscripted Croatia episode, the stupid Farmkhana by JC and other pointless jokes that they’re making lately. The Conversation Street gets boring and it seems that Top Gear gets more “natural” acting

Isn’t he supposed to be in one of the GT episodes that is still to be aired?

you’re actually proposing to potentially kill/harm people so that a few whales can be saved? I fear for humanity...

oh poor thing, you didn’t have a voucher? Don’t worry, Betsy will fix it soon...

No it isn’t. You need to take into account that the trucker needs to drive to the loading facility and spend another 1-2 h there and then depart for his “500 mile” trip. Given the traffic and everything else that is needed you’re realistically looking at a 8-9 hours of driving at a 55mph average. How many miles does

won’t work in yards either until that truck can back a trailer into a dock door and unhook the trailer.

There is an extreme shortage of drivers right now. Current month as a nationwide average there is 12 loads available for every truck at any given moment. The capacity in the trucking market was in pretty dire state last year even before the ELD mandate kicked in at the end of 2017 and removed additional capacity from

regardless of Photoshop or not, someone please explain the concept of a 2 door SUV to me? I never understood it... why, why would you want an overpriced car that has no more usable space than a subcompact and burns 3 times as much gas. Unless you’re diametrically disadvantaged and can’t get your fat ass into a normal

I’m guessing they didn’t fully understand what you meant and probably were thinking that you sarcastically suggested that they should be providing free “pastries” to the tenants :)

you mean studded? I guess you never driven winter tires on ice. They help but not to the point to stop you from sliding down the hill like this bus did.

winter tires would not help much on black ice unless they were studded.

yeah but you can blame the millenials and FB news for the chimp in the White House.

I guess with tags it makes sense, but if I went and did all my clothes shopping in USA and removed the tags since I plan on wearing the stuff anyway, they would have no idea.

I dont see the practical side of this law, especially when it comes to clothes. Let me explain. I hop on a plane from CAN or drive a car to USA with an empty suitcase. I fill that suitcase with clothes that I purchased in USA. How on earth would anyone know that the clothes in my suitcase are bought in USA if you were

Let’s make this guy the next president. He has big words and looks qualified...

how would anyone from canadian customs know that you purchased clothing in USA even if it’s in your bag? Even if you did, how would they be able to verify that when you say that you didn’t? This sounds stupid and un-enforcable.

I fly regularly and at USA airports I have yet to open my carry on to pull anything out other than the laptop. The toiletries have not gotten pulled out for about 10 years now.