
the single best place for a total eclipse this year: American Atheist Convention on National Mall in DC. How can anything beat that?

true, but I guess I was generalizing that Turbo usually has much greater compression than the NA engines. Your Hyundai must be low PSI boost perhaps.

brilliant... you get a star :)

an amazing artist... :facepalm:

I guess each car will be different here as the ECUs and calibrations will vary. On a boosted car regular gas in long term is a “no no” but on a NA car it can be done. I’m guilty myself of running my NA 06 MINI Cooper on regular gas for years as a sort of experiment. I must have put about 90k miles before I sold it

Don’t forget that it’s not the atheist that are making an initial claim. The religious are the ones that proclaim that “there is a god” and it is them that have the burden of proof. Atheists are just basically sitting on the sidelines and calling that claim “bullshit” until a demonstrated evidence is present that the

I’ve seen people with dealer bought VIIs in early 2000's. Were those not officially handled via Mitsu USA?

yes, we have our “magic book” of phrases too... :) but the truth is that this phrase has been widely used for years to disprove the argument that you and all of the religious are making. If only religious folk would take the time to find out if their claim of atheism being a religion is true or had been refuted, we

wasn’t the Evo VII the first one to be sold in USA and not the VIII?

sure, just like non collecting stamps is a hobby...

the law is stupid and not logical then and it should be changed

I hope you’re being sarcastic. If the ambulance is coming from the opposite direction on a 4 lane road why would any of the 2 lanes that the ambulance is traveling against need to do anything other than be cautious in case the ambulance will want to turn left into a side street?

sure, that may be true but I’d definitely meet my quota by issuing traffic violations for things that are actually dangerous and problematic rather than speeding 20mph over on a sunny day and rural road/highway with hardly any traffic. I would nail people for chronic blocking of an intersection when they enter on

if I was a traffic cop you would not get pulled over for speeding unless you were an obvious ass in traffic, i.e. weaving in and out of lanes, driving on the shoulder to pass etc. I would on the other hand heavily pull over for hugging the left lane for no reason, no headlights after dark (even when DRL are running)

I would love if the insurance companies tracked the morons who are the first to “total” a brand new model car after it comes out. It would be a glorious list to laugh at.

yes, Golf R is an amazing car. if you don’t need AWD you could still get a GTI and a good tune to be at R numbers or better for much less. I was a Subaru fanboy for a while and to some degree still am, especially when it comes to pre 2008 models but I would never have a new STI over a Golf R.

agreed. I would love to have this car when I was 18yo but then I didn’t have $35k to drop on a car. Now that I have $35k to drop on a car I would not touch this with a 10 foot pole and would be embarrassed to drive it. There are much more subdued and better cars with this performance for $35k.

reverse and full steering lock out :)

you’ll change your mind once you arrive at 60k miles for a spark plug change :)

amen. Last time a nation was being told that they are the greatest in the world it ended in a 6 years long world war.