For Sweden

We don’t use Hobby; we’re not monsters

If you fly from Paris to Singapore, you are traveling on an intercontinental flight across continents.

The power required for a GPU that runs Flight Simulator is more than a Trent 1000 can provide.

The Svindle Collective is the only country in history to base an economic system on graft.

US-2 and it’s not close

Buy UAW or you lose your knee caps, capeesh?

China is pushing for greater self-reliance

They can’t leak any spicy information because SIPRNet is down again.

It’s a Balkan world, we’re all just living in it.

Now playing

Ah, I see you watch Volvo commercials as well

Help I plugged my phone into an CCS charger and now everything is on fire

Ford is marketing the F-150 EV directly to fleet managers, and it will make Ford billions.

It must not be that major if you don’t have many blimps

When that blimp is so big you have to call the cops

Are you combining the Morning Blip with the Morning Shift

“I’m wearing a shirt depicting a suicide and people keep giving me weird looks” imagine that

That is dumb; the original article did not include the driving-off part.

You do know there are no streetlights on that highway right

Have you ever tried to drive a car that hit a deer at high speed?  Just look at the state of the front end of that truck.