For Sweden

The government isn’t making the vaccine yo

Sure, but then you have to wait over a year for a vaccine.  Them’s the rules.

but it might blow over

If you don’t get to work I might die, so please buy a Corolla.

Because back before the pandemic, we weren’t libertarians.

Because we can all have fun lifestyle coupes, but the moment you put the coupe on a ladder frame and give it a bed, it is a Bad Thing

They’re good trucks Erik

This will be a More Doug DeMuro video in 8 months

I’m not opposed to large auto manufacturers sitting on many billions in liquid assets, but that is money not going to payroll.

I bet Chief Master Sargent Motors could do this in five days.

It happens once in a century.  How much cash on hand should you keep for that, knowing that is not money going towards capital investments or payroll?

What color is reagent fluid?

Would you rather have these companies build and sit on massive cash reserves, on the odd chance a global pandemic happens?

Legends says us white-collar slobs worked outside of the home, back in the before time.

Is stealing a press car praxis?

She’s not going to Business Insider,

Imagine being the poor saps who have to share a NetJet lamo

Berlusconi tweets are not worth saving

ban twitter

They can drive a little as a treat