For Sweden

Did you also say this in areas effected by ebola?

You’ll have a much easier time replacing your dead job than replacing your dead kid.

Symptoms don’t appear for a week.  That’s a week where you don’t know you are infected.

If you are infected and spreading, you are a bio weapon.  You can stay home, or be removed as a threat.  Your choice.

If you would have taken the few seconds out of your life to pull your head out of your ass, you would see that I said to close non-essential stores, not grocery stores.

Keep your kids home.  Quit your job if necessary.

Yes, absolutely.

Event promoters and everyone else is baby-stepping though this, and it’s going to kill people.

yimby gang yimby gang

American women have the vote because western states gave them the vote, elected women to congress, and drug the eastern states kicking and screaming to a constitutional amendment.

...the vast, vast majority of Democrats, who own and drive cars by the millions.

Why would they have distributed addresses?  Just deliver everything to the sovkhoz meeting house. 

You don’t need rear-views mirrors if you don't dwell on the past.

I wish Splinter had been liberal and not a den of succs

But she's a Longhorn, so no

Ah yes, Apollo 13, my favorite science fiction movie.

Unfortunately, this did not happen soon enough. CNN is reporting that Doug DeMuro has passed away.

Get it before it becomes loaded with Portland ex-pats.

Finally someone is putting a stop to all those freelance writers.

You do to the moose what you do to the kulaks; deportation and re-education.