For Sweden

If you want him dead you could just kill him yourself.

The sheep deserve freedom Bradley

I would prefer working in a uranium mine to the apocalypse yes

That’s a reasonable guess. People in liberal societies tend to live into their thirties and beyond.

Despite your thoughtful input, I will continue to be a lib.

Yes, I remember Churchill’s non-aggression pact with Hitler in 1939.

In a world where Jack Baruth exists, I'm honored.

Hire a bounty hunter and get your Jeep back

I have a rule against fighting fools.

Are you not aware of the rank hypocracy between the words and actions of far right regimes?

I’ve seen The Game.  I know Ohio has studs and Michigan does not.

This is the perfect vehicle to inspect the progress of my literacy programs.

A good start would be to not “well askuallaii these dictators taught people how to read”

because they are useful idiots.

You are repeating yourself again

You should also peep the Soviet literacy efforts in Afghanistan.

Yes, that Swedish healthcare system that is managed at the local level, exists alongside private care, and was somehow achieved without a totalitarian dictator.

You can probably get a job in the Uyghur concentration caps if you need something to do.

This mission was definitely worth the concentration camps.

So far you have suggested that allying with fascists is a reasonable Plan B, and that social democrats are socialists.