For Sweden

Robby Gordon has also not raced in WRC.

Tobacco is for nerds who can’t handle real drugs

I bet they also discourage drug use. Buncha no-fun squares.

True, but they deserve their fate

I want to take this opportunity to both thank Mr. Brownell for the honor and ask the G/O brass to listen to their writers.

No, but I don’t allude to brain trauma in my insults.  People who suffer brain injuries are not bad people.

Impeach Trump and make the dog President

I appreciate the alliteration, Jason.


Yes, “Everone” is the right spelling, as we skipped right over Generation Y.

Fools. Everone knows the Zoomers will buy Mazdas.

bros mad

I hope he feels Exxonerated when he makes more money than gas stations.

Gotta maintain that Penske Excellence

The deer are safe. It’s the kangaroos you need to worry about.

damn liberals and their...morals...

Mack continues to write the best takes, even in his last day at work. A true commitment to excellence.

Every editorial employee deserves an income that can afford a C8.

Do you bury the tree, or does it rot, sending the carbon back to the atmosphere?

This is the most American comment I have ever read. Just add a can of light lager and it would be perfect.