For Sweden

If only a tax existed unit of carbon-based transportation fuel that funded a road construction/maintenance trust fund. The more miles a car drove, the more fuel it would burn, and the driver would pay more tax.

We don’t all drive at the same time, and we never would, even if we all rode in Ubers, and especially if we all rode in Uber Pools.

Inventor of agriculture: Now we can have food without having to look for it.

Does it really improve your quality of life to never have to lift a finger to do anything yourself?

Is it more abusive than any other car?

Then market public transportation better so people want to use it.

Uber drivers pay fuel tax, registration, and tolls...I think.

If hailing a Lyft is super easy and cheap, people are less likely to walk or use public transport.

The environmental case for ride sharing was reducing the need for parking spaces.  When cars are a service, they can be on the road and productive during the day, not sitting in an enormous concrete structure that takes the place of housing or businesses.

What witchcraft is this

What witchcraft is this

Only 90s kids will remember GM’s Autonomy concept

This is a better box on a skateboard


Gennady Yanayev would have never let this happen

Is this a question to your readers or your reporters?

I do want to see the movie


Finally, we’ll put the last of the coal miners out of work!

Please.  I broke into Kinja HQ and I’m creating comments by pointing a laser at the server and flipping bits.

I’m not one!