I’m sure they know this. But they ignore it because white feminism is about getting as much power as white men, everyone else be damned
I’m sure they know this. But they ignore it because white feminism is about getting as much power as white men, everyone else be damned
Dude, it could have been for any reason. People don’t always tell the truth when they break up with you. She says it was your age, but maybe she didn’t like how you were hitting it or found some other guy she liked more or whatever.
Fuck that. Let the cops handle it. They do it for free too.
Yeah, I said just as much. My point is that’s why there are welfare queens, but no welfare kings.
Because women killed my wife and daughter. I must have revenge.
Fuck no. Because black women are far more often left in charge of child care than men are. Because black men are more likely to get income from other sources - drugs, husslin, gangsta shit. Because in many states was targeted to women, and often they couldn’t apply if there was a man in their house. I agree that shit…
The obvious reason you can’t recall the names of women as readily is because far less black women have been killed. The reason there is a welfare queen rather than king stereotype is that more men than women are on welfare. I just looked at a pew study confirming that twice as many women have used food stamps.
That last quote reminds me of Hillary Clinton’s comment about women being the true victims of war because they lose their husbands and sons.
Yeah, but now he can tell your grandkids about that time some idiot tried to steal his baby and he said “not today” and went full James Bond on a motherfucker. The image of a regular dude on the bonnet of a car punching a woukd be thief in the face is too awesome.
Haaaaa. Your husband is a fucking badass.
You have no idea if that is what happened here. Or if that happens often. How do you know the motivation of these people? Do racists kill black people because they think liking one makes them a nigga lover? Sometimes motherfuckers just straight up hateful.
Specifically young adult black men. We going in on youth, and blackness too? Because both were at play in this scenario here
Not unless it’s revenge.
What’s fragile about it?
Is this a home invasion and robbery that ended in a shooting and the victim just happened to be transgender? Because she was robbed, and not killed. He was also still there after the incident, presumably stealing more shit.
How will teaching sons not to rape protect said sons against false accusations?
So you will only talk to people who agree with you?
This is massively incorrect and you should apologize. They are not virtually the same. HSV 1 usually causes cold sores that resolve after a few days of topical therapy. HSV 2 often needs a course of systemic antiviral meds. severity differs based on the patient’s immunocompetence etc, but usually HSV 2 is much worse.…
Silent Hill was enjoyable, as was system shock. The original Deus Ex wasn’t light hearted. All those games were enjoyable and very well done. That video gets wrapped up in a literal definition of fun, when what is implied in this context is a rewarding experience.
You presume too much. The obvious reason is that the impact this game will have is likely to be strongly tied to how enjoyable it is. It is after all, a game.