
You forgot to point out it also includes Wonder Woman’s plane...

“Appropriation is when elements of a culture are co-opted by another group, usually without fully understanding the meaning that element has to the other culture”

Don’t you get the impression that all of io9 decided to hate this show a long time ago?

Yet, when compared to the other Netflix shows, to me at least, the drop off in quality is not that severe.


Eh... I believe it. Precisely because it would be classic Apple. If Apple thinks USB-C is the way to go, they’ll go all in.

It just seems absurd to think Apple would replace that entire ecosystem after just five years

Can we already demand a cross over with Marvel’s Netflix shows just so we can see this? PLEASE?!

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

Here’s what - for me - places Thor miles ahead of The Dark World:

I would have. I’m a big fan of The Dark World, even though most people don’t seem to like the trippy crazyness of it.

I woulda. The first Thor is still mad awesome. Second has its moments, even it it’s ultimately forgettable.

I just want to see Mjlonir get the random occasional cut-scene while it flies across the universe, smashing thru moons & shit to get to Thor like they showed it doing when Thor kept getting teleported around in Dark World

That’d be terrific for hanging Christmas decorations off of.

1) Please don’t make him ‘unworthy’.

I disagree. One of Tesla’s main appeals and marketing points is that you can buy an EV that doesn’t look like ass.

It is my goal in life to own furniture worthy of being buried with me.

I’M SORRY. Some nouveau-riche billionaires will no doubt buy a Maserati, a yacht, an airplane or even all of the above. But not me. I sure as hell am dropping my bag of gold pieces down for this. WOW.

Got mine just over four years ago. Compared to prices now, I would buy if I was just doing it. The price drop in that short time span is unbelievable.