
Anyone know a non US-only link for the Thundercats thing? I bet if we get the new Thundercats here it'll be dubbed in Dutch just like all those stupid shows on Disney XD and Nickelodeon. Thankfully I have some of the great shows of my childhood on DVD (He-Man, Thundercats, Dungeons & Dragons, M.A.S.K. etc.) to watch

Am I the only one who actually liked the Manchurian Candidate-like story of Black Ops' campaign?

Even if they did know the names of those game 'creators', those same people might not recognize them from a picture. Just look at famous movie directors; "everyone" knows Lucas, Spielberg, Hitchcock, Burton and maybe even Del Toro, but how many people would be able to tell them apart?

Really? A soft-closing toilet seat is a gadget? Here I was thinking since they're in every DYI-store in Europe they'd be common-place goods... Next up: thermostatic bath/shower taps.

Slamming a car door shut with the suspect's head inbetween the door and the car? Shooting the suspect in the knees? Starving the suspect and then offering food my sister cooked? I don't know man, I really don't know, I swears!

There are quite a few interesting tablet offers going on in the Netherlands right now: €100 for a 7" Android tablet (2GB-4GB internal memory, micro SD slot, a screen that's definitely good enough for browsing, emailing and playing some games despite being resistive). Some run Android 2.1, others 2.2 and they tend to

Now if only Google allowed tablets running Android 2.1 and 2.2 access to the marketplace in the first place. These things are getting redonkulously cheap while being 'good enough' for most internet tasks in and around the house, but to get apps on them you have to jump through so many hoops, it's really not for the

Don't the folks at EVE know the subtitle "Forever" doesn't have many good associations for gamers?

I got my very first tablet on Friday; a €90 7" Android tablet. I absolutely love what I can do with it for that money, but I hate Google for denying me access to the marketplace, even though I knew in advance that would be the case.

Nintendo ought to sell their incredible facial recognition technology as building security tech. Nobody would be able to enter the building without first shaving, getting a haircut and taking off their (sun) glasses. It could be further improved by adding clothing requirements based on gender, estimated age and

Mobile games are and will mostly stay just that: toilet games (a.k.a. games you play while you go #2). When you want to play a game for hours on end, you're going to want to have something that's comfortable and ergonomic in your hand(s); a controller or mouse.

Considering this is theft of money, Microsoft should take action. Those saying they haven't lost anything as the 'pirates' wouldn't have bought those points anyway are wrong: the points are valid currency and as such, items can be bought with them. Whether or not the 'pirates' would've bought the content if they had

It seems the Dutch chick he talks about (around the 7-minute mark - Wietske de Blauw) ignored his emails but did remove her 'art'. She posted a tweet 3 days ago mentioning her 'mistake', adding she wasn't the only one who'd used the image without permission. Yeah, the "others did it too" defense always works...

I tried and failed to play it on my PC — I've been told the reason it won't run well on it is my NVIDIA GPU and while I have no idea if that's true, the game does run like an 80 year-old with a peg leg — so when I saw it on XBLA I had to get it.

I think the link to the source is borked, as it's now linking as a tag on this site.

Publishers should be able to create a special "iOS subscription" which would be about 45% more expensive to counter the 30% cut Apple wants.

@AngryBeaver: that's what one of my friends does with his computer when it starts making noise. I told him to make a back-up of his important files a.s.a.p. and get ready to buy a new PC. After 10 years, it's reasonable for a computer to get bad, especially the HDD.

@collectiveego: tell me about it... last time I took a shower at the gym it became painfully obvious

@MrThunderfield: simple animations on banners? Why use SWF when a simple GIF can do the trick?

We're producing enough e-waste as it is. We don't need to increase that volume by following Apple's, Sony's, LG's or any other company's release schedule to replace gadgets that still function perfectly.