
That would make sense if it was a Japanese movie being made for Japanese audiences. And Japan’s own grappling with race / ethnic identity is a separate issue. Its a Western movie where people do care about having more roles and role models for Asian-Americans.

I feel like this plus his father's letter should be used as textbook examples of rape culture and how it persists.

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.

What the hell is wrong with every person in convicted rapist, Brock Turner’s life?

Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Shit About the Bay Area

“Family Guy stealing from someone else? Who ever could have imagined such a thing?” said the creators of the Simpsons.


Actually if you clicked it 100 times he would get no stars :D

The day companies get penalized for anything...is the day we have democracy back...

I think companies need to be penalized for reporting false flags. That is the only way this kind of things are less likely to happen.

Vinnie’s got nothing on TacoTown:

I always took it to mean “blue” as in depressed, not actually turning blue. I guess I should consider myself lucky for never having had to deal with actual blue balls. I thought figurative blue balls sucked.

Guy with a Masters in Special Education and 17 years working with children with severe autism here: 1. Fuck you DeNiro, you degenerate piece of garbage. 2. The causes of autism are widely accepted as a mess of disparate factors.....the age of the father, a heightened level of testosterone in the mother, genetics ( a

So well said. This is a textbook example of something that is legally correct and something that is morally/ethically incorrect. Two mistakes so many people seem make: a) they treat legally valid actions as automatically morally/ethically valid, and/or b) they think that an ethical mistake (deliberate or not) by one

And if H.B Blades chose to do that, that would be the honorable thing. I’m not saying he shouldn’t. I’m saying it’s grotesque for the organization to sue him over a sum of money it could lose a hundred times over without even noticing, and even more grotesque for you sad motherfuckers down here in the comments to stan

They absolutely should “let it slide.” It was their mistake, which they never should have asked H.B. Blades to rectify in the first place because it harmed the organization in absolutely no meaningful way. It’s the equivalent of the corner store taking you to court because the cashier gave you ... not even an extra

You’re not doing justice to those numbers. Yeah, you can say he should have given the money back. As if none of us would even consider keeping the money. But this is a team worth $1.6B. $40K represents 0.0025% of their value. Scaled down this is like somebody worth $50K taking somebody to court over $1.25. It’s a

Jesus, man, are you a calculator or a human being? Of course it’s grotesque. This money is the equivalent of a salt-grain-sized fragment of a single penny to the organization. It’s almost literally nothing; it’s only something as an abstraction, a line in an accounting worksheet. “Whoops,” is a perfectly fine

Imagine if the Batman and Joker stopped midway through Dark Knight to promote United Way.