
I do however get lots of duplicates. I open a box with a shiny gold, YESSS!! as i brag to my friends on chat.

Never had two yellows or two purples or one of each in a single box.

Blizzard also told us years ago that Diablo III required a constant always-online internet connection because of “cloud processing”, one of the buzzwords at the time trying to sell “always on” DRM. It was proved false shortly after release when someone had it running without a connection.

Yep, they know we won’t do anything about it. So just keep bleeding us more & more.

It’s coming.....

I got grabbed through walls all the time wasn’t rare at all.

Favor the shooter breaks down when the visual feedback for the player on the receiving end consistently telegraphs how wrong the action was. Getting shot as you dive behind a wall is one thing, getting hooked through a wall and dragged clean through map geometry is another.

“The percieved issues were ALL due to latency and the hitbox of the hook being too large.”

hahaha no

don’t tell me how to live my life, bro

I’m against public funding of stadiums as much as anyone,but until that’s not the game the leagues all play, it’s absurd to blame one owner for doing the same thing everyone else would do.

Ballers has titties, Any Given Wednesday only has boobs

Hey if they dont want my money, fuckem. Got plenty of other things to play.