Raishi Fox

Should work with sidequest.  No “official” support so you’ll just have to give it a try, but I can’t think of any good reasons why it wouldn’t...

It’s a good article, Luke, but Supergiant exists.

My local wing bar (which has a huge cabinet full of national awards from the biggest wing competitions around) has a sauce made with mountain dew, banana peppers, and raspberry syrup.

In general, one of a huge number of things I love about my Flex. I just wish the codes actually used 10 buttons/numbers. I’ve never been quite comfortable with how comparatively easy it would be to get the code for one with only five buttons. Sure, it’s not something that someone is likely to get while you leave a car

Just got my first win last night (attempt 19) with the spear. Flurry Jab + the triple attack + attack boosts from chaos and demeter + chill on attack + arctic blast on 10 stacks of chill.

Streamers.  A few streamers played it, more popular streamers saw them and tried it themselves, it managed to make its way up to major, well known twitch channels, etc.  Gaming is /weird/ in 2020.

Screw the law, we start by removing his own reproductive organs with a rusty hacksaw.

Since there’s so much (well deserved) love for this game here, some of you might be interested in what’s shaping up to be an awesome indie spiritual sequel! I don’t believe it has a webpage yet but they do have info on videos on their twitter, and a discord server!

The best burger place in my state (second best I’ve been to anywhere) just closed permanently due to COVID. I really expected them to be fine, since there was a decent sized restaurant group behind them and their other restaurants all do more take-out, so I figured they’d be able to weather this. They apparently

White trans woman here. Yes, all trans people need support, absolutely, and I’m glad to see you wanting to offer that.

Oh, no no no no no.

The artist who created the image for that card is a known neo-nazi with quite a bit of masks-off nazi garbage (I mean, literally jesus with a hitler mustache ffs...) in his galleries, so that would be a HELL of a triple coincidence there now.

Well, one of the nice things with SR is you can sell everything for the same price you bought it for, so you can always play around with it then sell it again when you have enough for the P12!

I think you need to know what you’re getting into when you play it. My first time trying it was pretty frustrating, and I can see how some people might not like it. It’s perhaps not a great game for very competitive players, since you can play very well and make all the right moves and still get badly screwed over and

Oooh...Nemesis is an amazing board game, with a tendency to play out in gloriously theatrical ways, and for a 30 second mini trailer, that already looks like they’re on the right track to capturing it. Count me in!

If you’re recommending the Scout...have you tried the Loadstar yet?  Once you get it upgraded you’ll never want to drive another scout; it’s absolutely unstoppable. 45 degree slope through heavy snow and right through trees? Not even going to slow it down.  Also powerful enough to pull mid sized trailers without

This is a very respectable move from Lego. It’s a shame that firefighting sets are being lumped in with this, though. Not everyone with a uniform is a cop. Firefighters and EMTs are heroes and absolutely do not need to be caught up in this.

Remove law enforcement?  Of course not.  Completely tear down and rebuild the current, entirely corrupt and broken system?  Yes, absolutely.

In case you’re talking about the thing going around about the CEO’s political contributions; which I assume is the case given the timing...that was not entirely factual. If you look at it, it’s one franchisee that made the donations. It was not Wendy’s, and the vast majority have nothing to do with that franchisee.

Yeah.  These are streams, not cons.  It’s not the same and it’s not going to fill that void.  I spend plenty of time online already, cons aren’t about doing more of that.