Raishi Fox

Buy one of these

I don’t remember it being free; I know I paid for the app + the videos, but it’s still very much worthwhile. Mark Lauren’s books are well worth the price as well. You’ll get a better workout than most gyms will give you, without needing to leave your home.

I would love to drive one of these, they’re so unique and just plain cute. I know they’re slow, but...that’s what engine swaps are for. I’m sure there are quite a few good small engines that would fit right in there with a little effort...

Any franchise can be like that. It’s all up to the local operators. Where I live, we had a KFC that was...acceptable, for fast food, when I was young. My family used to eat there from time to time without any major issues. A while later, another manager took over the local stores and for years they were just

138hp out of 2.3L, in 1927? Damn.

So everyone keeps telling me but I put many years and miles on mine and almost nothing even in the interior showed any signs of aging. Maybe mine was just that impossibly rare specimen, I don’t know.

Nope. Can’t agree for a moment on this one. Absolutely nothing “meh” about them. I had a ‘98 Intrigue, with the 3800 Series II, and most of the options. Bought it because I needed something cheap, right-now, when I had to finally give up on my Blazer, just to last a few months or so. Most of what I could find in

It’s on 3DS too, if you have one.

Yep. $10 in the eshop.

Just a quick note, the official announcement does say she’s available for the 3DS version too.

I actually...sort of like the car, a little? The interior looks like a pretty nice place to spend some time, and with that drivetrain it shouldn’t be entirely terrible to drive. There’s just no way I can justify that price, though. Reluctant CP, with a bit of self-loathing for even considering NP for a moment.

If it’s the 50hp that makes the difference, you can fix that with a little time in the Mountune catalog, for less than the price difference between the two.

...only as a kid? >.>

I have a feeling Yoko Taro probably isn’t thrilled with this change. That’s where this kind of thing gets frustrating; things being changed from their own creator’s vision.

Forza 6  and Forza Horizon 3 are, GT is not.

If you think saying they wouldn’t be making them if they didn’t sell is being an asshole, you’re going to have a really hard time with this whole internet thing.

People who don’t want story and cutscenes have Forza and Gran Turismo.

pre-trailer : Do we /really/ need another Need for Speed game?

Plenty of pictures of Pittsburgh as it used to be in the article and comments. Since I’m consistently surprised at how many people have no idea how different it is now...

I mean, in this particular case, I’d change “useless” to “futile”, but starred anyway!