Raishi Fox

Mmhmm. It’s a lot of fun in sport mode; pretty great for an automatic. I don’t find the manual shift buttons all that interesting though since there’s so much of a delay in the actual shift when you use them, it still feels very disconnected. Typical for that kind of transmission though.

Not much skill in pressing the button to turn on cruise control, really. Judging from the comments around here there seems to be a huge variance in “normal” mileage for these engines, though. Seems very strange to me.

My 2.0T w/awd can hit 30 with the cruise control set over 70. I don’t get these economy complaints, unless there’s -that- much variance between cars and mine is just that much better than average.

Only thing I have to add is that I’ve had mine (2014, Titanium, 2.0T, AWD) for just over a year and it’s certainly not made me regret buying it. For a “practical” car, it’s quite a bit of fun, and everyone loves the car. Even my CUV-hating friends have given in and admitted it’s pretty great to drive by now.

15.7 gallon tank, though the way the fuel gauge is calibrated, you’d think it’s 11. There’s 1/3 of a tank left when it hits E. I’m not sure if that’s because so many people try to wait until the last minute to get fuel, and Ford doesn’t want them running out, or what, but it’s kinda useless.

That sounds like there’s something wrong with yours, then. I can beat the EPA numbers any day; on a straight highway mine with the 2.0T and AWD will crack 30mpg, not even using cruise control. If I do use cc, I can set it to 73 and still hit those numbers.

Disagree, it IS one of the prettiest. The rest, well, hard to argue with. Still desperately want one though.

Hell, make EVERYONE take the test. That way it’s not discrimination...and we deal with a lot of young or middle aged drivers who are too dangerous too be on the road, too.

Yes, according to the Kickstarter page.

I didn’t know this existed, but it’s exactly what I’ve been wanting. Backed at the Pirates In Arms tier...I need this one to happen!

Oooh, this, I like. Day one purchase if it comes out in English.

If you have any room at all, tomato plants are extremely easy to grow, don’t take a lot of time or attention, and -good-, home grown tomatoes are wonderful. You’ll never eat a store bought one again.

I’m just depressed that this doesn’t have more stars already. No one else?

I thought we were certain now that Foxy was responsible for the bite of ‘87? Doesn’t seem to quite fit together here from what I’m seeing.

The seat not being attached is bad enough when you know about it

They didn’t really...?

No, can’t say I have any experience with them

I work at a hospital now, and it hasn’t changed a bit. More memory in the machines now but programs just use more of it. eClincalworks is horrible for leaking memory all over the place. None of our users like to restart either; it “takes too long.” Had one doctor recently with 147 days of uptime (on a laptop, no

More than just a generic NP, I genuinely want that one myself. Can’t afford it now...but want it. The 3800 might be the only way to get an entire even more bulletproof than the 22R, and a hell of a lot more powerful. Could have a lot of fun with that little truck.

...which was a Bengal class carrier. The resemblance certainly isn’t accidental.