
Welcome! The Slot is the best site in the whole GM Empire (RIP).

Oh god, Martha Coakley. We can thank that woman for both Scott Brown and Charlie Baker. Entitled is the perfect way to describe her. I once walked by her “campaign headquarters” in Central Square Cambridge (notably the part of the city with the most brown people on a regular basis) and it looked like a fucking bomb

As an MA resident, I cannot hear his name without immediately thinking of his dumb ass pickup truck.

I honestly think that some men see this kind of action, not as abuse and unwanted attention, but as “flirting.” I could very well see him drawing a distinction between what happened to him as a child and other horrible shit like that, and being a fucking creep to a woman who’s job is to be cordial with you.

A lot of

Please read down to see my multiple responses in this thread; I wrote this comment before it was clear that Lochte was a big fat liar.

Ha! The role of Lochte’a mom is my favorite part of the whole crazy story. Essentially it’s a story about a mom who enables her son’s shitty behavior, helping him to develop into an entitled frat boy. And then when said entitled frat boy behavior gets him into trouble, her attempts to coddle him wind up embarrassing

That’s a good point. This is oone of those stories that potentially doesn’t have a sympathetic character.

Actually, my distrust of criminal justice system was part of why I believed Lochte at first. I know cops can be dicks; I don’t give them my absolute trust, either in the US or abroad.

As I noted above, my original comment was before we knew officially that Lochte was a liar. The story seemed too ridiculous to be made up, so I assumed the government in Rio were going into damage control mode and being jerks as a result. I totally and completely misread who the jerk was in the situation, but I can’t

It’s too late to edit my comment, but if someone could ungrey this follow-up I’d appreciate it:

Oh, I know Rio isn’t safe. I know quite a few people who have vacationed there, and a coworker who lives there. It seems amazing, but certainly not safe. My point was that the officials in Rio wanted to say that the city is “awesome and safe,” by discrediting Lochte.

It turns out that Lochte was just being a shitty

If you note the time stamp on my post, it’s from before it was confirmed that Lochte lied. And the way the story was blowing up in the media and people getting yanked off planes struck me as a risky move re: tourism, which I imagine is legit one of the biggest reasons a country accepts the money pit that is the

Insert: why not both gif.

Exactly! Whatever went down, this whole story is just confirming for a lot of Americans that they never want to go to Rio.

That’s a terrible story, not sure why you left me that link. would have preferred not to read that

The Slot is actually the only site over here I read these days. Very much the best.

Also, the people who allegedly robbed them were dressed as a cop! I wouldn't know if they were impersonating, or crooked af, but I'd prob keep my head down too.

Honestly, I think Brazil is trying to make Lochte & co look suspicious so they can claim that no robbery took place, Rio is awesome and safe, and everyone should vacation there.

I don’t know what’s happening to any of these sites with the acquisition, but Univision, if you’re reading this, I vote TheSlot gets the support and staff to publish like 10-15 stories a day. Love you guys.

I once had a Twitter convo with her about good podcasts about women’s history. I also died as a result. She's really the best.