Levity is never, ever inappropriate.
Levity is never, ever inappropriate.
Such is life in Trumpland. There was a really funny post I saw a few weeks ago that brought up things from a coupe of years ago that were huge news then like the airport debacles over the Muslim ban, the hurricane debacle in Puerto Rico, foreign dignitaries paying money to Trump’s Washington hotel and on and on and…
I remember in the late 1980s, a woman in my hometown was terminated from her full time job of 10+ years as the church secretary at a large Baptist church. The sole reason given for her termination? Her husband cheated, left her and then filed for divorce. And according to the church by-laws, divorced people were…
The people applauding this shit always forget that it works both ways. It takes so little in this country to establish a religious organization. And if my two friends and I decide to found a religion where Christians are counter to everything we hold sacred...well, it also gives me grounds to fire people who follow…
I’m a long time atheist (result of catholic school) but this Trump presidency has me second guessing my beliefs. Dude is fucking evil for real.
The patriarchy is the point. Literally.
There are also provisions that allow for termination of employees who are not “core-religious” or who will not sign a declaration of faith. Also employees who are co-habitating as opposed to living in the institution of marriage. So, how are you going to celebrate our slide into Gilead? I suggest watching the new…
Why would this necessarily stop at unmarried women? I know there are people out there that believe that mothers should not work outside the home, and I am sure they could invent some religious reason behind it. Hell you could probably keep expanding this. Married women need to get their husbands permission to work.…
“we prioritize the right of person A to exert their beliefs on to person B rather than the actual rights of person B”
In Canada I was only paying $50 a month and the taxes on my paycheck didn’t seem any higher than I’m paying in California. Plus you can go to the doctor as many times as you like. That’s a way better deal than $300+ a month. Trust me.
To be fair, that’s more than he usually manages to get out. Both he and Warren have both been terrible at admitting that the taxes will go up. As for how we would actually be paying less...
Just about any American not on state healthcare already has a monthly premium, deductible, and co-pay. Even the so called…
Exactly. And all the people who didn’t have sufficient game to woo a willing mate would have been culled out of the population, resulting in a more enjoyable experience for the future generations.
It's astounding what kind of goose-stepping, evil shits can get elected when they have the magic 'R' behind their names.
Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?
I sat here for a minute trying to think of a well thought out response to that. I just can’t. It’s too fucking repulsive. 10/10 this steaming pile of sick has victims, and/or they will find rape and incest porn on all of his devices. (that he thought hitting “delete” got rid of)
stop old white men 2020
Anybody else read that as ‘final solution’?
When this story broke, I immediately thought of the Flying Crowbar. What reason would one want to have a nuclear powered cruise missile...except for creating a doomsday type weapon like this.
You never know. Even BLM does nasty sh*t to wildlife on camera.
I wonder how many of these poison bombs are going to find their way to farms and ranches near the border.