
Thoughts and prayers. 

What is wrong with Carter Page? Any educated guesses?

To be fair, though... all of the Disciples were total shitbags. That’s kind of the actual message of the gospels, if you pay attention and think about it.

It’s telling that Page always includes Ph.D.” after his name. I have a Ph.D. and know many hundreds of other people with doctorates. Not a single one of them mentions their degree anywhere but in job applications, official meetings with outsiders, and professional publications, where it is appropriate.

Judas sold his soul for 31 pieces of silver. The Evangelicals sold their soles (sic) for basically a used Trump Mattress and a Trump Steak.

Do we work at the same plant? I’m with a bunch of Baby Boomers who’ve worked together since high school and haven't matured at all since then. 🤦🏾‍♀️

While I don’t disagree with your analysis, that team-loyalty thing goes back a lot farther than Murdoch and Limbaugh. Look how long the Democrats were able to rely on Southern votes despite having largely switched ideological positions with the Party of Lincoln, because the Civil War was still a part of living memory.

Where athletics are perceived as hypermasculine and are, in turn, afforded almost comical reverence, celebrity gossip is a girly, guilty pleasure.”

I’m not sure equal coverage is the goal. Coverage is the goal, and a pretty low bar. Frankly, Magic should also get more coverage.

Hell, I would say that in any objective analysis, sports reporting has done a hell of a lot worse for the world than any reporting on “women’s issues” ever has, for the very simple reason that all Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh ever did was take the same format as sports radio, and import it into political

A while back my wife and I hosted an Oscar party and there was a guy there who wouldn’t stop with the “I can’t believe people are so into the red carpet,” “celebrity worship,” etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Guess what else has real rules, real governing bodies, over 1000+ leagues, an international championship, with way more than 37 countries involved, has multiple playoffs and Championships across multiple leagues, and millions of more people around the world than roller derby who are heavily invested and interested.

Have you ever listened to ESPN commentators? They can talk FOR HOURS about golf conditions or speculate on what Tiger Woods had for breakfast.

Surprised the classic xkcd on the topic hasn’t made an appearance yet.

They do, but it’s still not considered trash the way celebrity news is. A lot of people that complain about how terrible sport media is still hold onto the idea of a purer reporting that could exist in a better world. No one really seems to think gossip stuff could be better; it’s baddness starts at the subject.

I don’t watch the Kardashians, but the way they managed to parlay Kim’s sex tape into over a billion dollar family empire is fairly impressive. Many others have tried to turn a minor moment of fame into long-term celebrity, and none have succeeded as much as the Kardashians. Sure we can bitch about how they are famous

I’m all for calling Brady a Kardashian, but I’m not sure the TV ratings for Kardashian provide quite the same accountability that Brady has to face every Sunday. Sports keep you honest. You can only create, drive and sell a narrative until kickoff. But who knows, I don’t watch the Kardashians - maybe Scott Disick is a

What is Tom Brady is not a Kim Kardashian with a penis?

You certainly do not need this validation, but holy fucking shit you are completely correct.