
This admin see no difference between asylum seekers and job seekers and criminals escaping justice. It cannot discern a difference in the citizenry, either. The US is functionally a dictatorship. Prepare to obey or be imprisoned or ‘fired.’

That child is thinking! Wish I could help her and so many other humans in this country.

Would love to purchase a Swiss Army Knife multi-tool for myself and the hubby, though not through Amazon. Their warranty and customer support is practically non-existent. I’ve attempted to return a $55 speaker that malfunctions after 10 months of use. Perhaps $67/year is an acceptable cost for sound projection.

Would love to purchase a Swiss Army Knife multi-tool for myself and the hubby, though not through Amazon. Their

Include compassion in the training. Focus on social service by police rather than fear based attitude towards people. Different people might apply

Pretty sad. The end of democracy.

Very true. Keep it simple. Simple messages might get through. No critical thinking can be expected.

Conservatives also run from self knowledge. Money wins. Blame anyone, anything, the wind, some group, some creatures for their own anger/sadness/angst. Then kill or torture the target because it is their fault. Strange logic.

A win for trump inc might be a net gain for ecology? Fewer war maneuvers are definitely a good result, despite my horror at this admin’s human rights abuses. His hotels and bulliii realestate nonsense will doubtless do as much damage as bombs, so ...argh.

Since she and her father lie with most statements, who care what they say? Ivanka is functioning as a spokesmodel for a dictator. They can both be bester.

Trump walking the line between an attack on the west coast which might affect him, and making another sentient being cower. Making something cower and resent him wins. Good luck, world.

Do not miss him. He’s the one that coined “axis of evil.” Just like Trump, inciting division and war.

Have personally come to the conclusion that dems vs repubs is inherently a losing proposition. The repubs have ‘won’ their prize: power to change society via legislation with all three branches of this fragile system in their care.

Seems plausible. She might be afraid of the death bald (that was an autocorrect that can stay.)

Kanye must have mentioned Etta. Elsewise, why? How? Would this non cultural human know of her?

One of the last people he spoke with was an african american musician, so it’s on his mind. Kanye apparently poured on the compliments so well that he gets his own month.

Thank you for this point. Of course that is the big plan for tariff threats coupled with deregulation: to put as much money as possible into the oligarchy’s accounts. Dismantle trade agreements that protect citizens and allow shoddy, poisonous food and material from the US to be sold everywhere.

Poison comes to mind. T cannot abide anything but public adoration...and he is, apparently, above the law at this point.

The other side of privilege is obliviousness to those not privileged. My experience has been that even the most well meaning, kind as they can be humans, default to social norms when pressed. It’s like a woman’s reflexive “sorry.” Change takes time, effort to be mindful and aware of one’s own speech and less cultural

Hamilton Nolan is an insightful observer and I appreciate his writing. What good can Obama do now? This society is way more racist than I thought.

Segregation is the root of a lot of this nonsense. Fox news is the enforcer.