
They should include super-high-resolution images of North Korea. Just to fuck with them.

Aren't they built to withstand lightning strikes? Insulated electronics, etc.

@Zordon: When they republish a story on another affiliate, they usually post something like this at the bottom:

Saw this on Reddit and thought I was being trolled, but pictures say a thousand words.

There's a difference between harassing a suspected shop-lifter - which I assume their policy is designed to address - and actually stopping an individual who is physically running out of the store with thousands of dollars of merchandise.

@buckleyneko: Soylent Green jokes never get old. Ever.

@FritzLaurel: I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it interfaces with the Mac Engine.

Super Soaker badged with Nerf? That's like a 10-year old's wet dream.

"so they could better learn how to transcribe human voice to text."

Too soon?

I knew when I read the title that this place was going to be in the UAE.