
Those SR80s look pretty slick. Most of my music is in the form of V0 mp3s. Would these "cans" be "too good" for the quality of music I listen to, or are they just that good, for the price, that it doesn't really matter? I'm on a college budget, mind you.

China's skewing the results, imo.

躲避弹球 was my favorite app for 球躲避躲球弹球弹弹躲避球, damnit! Now how am I supposed to get my daily fix of 避躲球避弹躲球弹?

I'm 100% serious. My ears aren't sophisticated enough to be an audiophile, but I would like to purchase some better sounding earbuds/phones

@Dj Orphic: Care to offer some alternatives? I'm currently rocking my stock earbuds that came with my Galaxy.

I'm absolutely sure. It's hard to qualify the experience of war, but I can guarantee you that the average soldier's experience in WWI was far more terrible than that of those participating in WWII. If you're talking about civilian casualties, that's a different story, but this article was talking about soldiers.

@seabasstin: What the fuck does generation matter if they are better then the current Apple iteration in certain, if not most areas? Androids, btw, for the most part have gone through four major revisions. But that is of little consequence.

@mrsilver: Seems like you have multiple sms apps both displaying notifications. Simply turn off notifications in the one that you don't use or uninstall the program completely.

@geolemon: I had to go to ca.gizmodo.com just to heart-click you. Very pronounced, fact-filled post with interesting insights while still cutting cleanly through the idiosyncrasies and false beliefs that most fanboys cling to! Kudos.

I thought it was a fair comparison. It was one of the first features of Android, along with select hardware buttons, back when the G1 was annouced, that I noticed as being leaps and bounds more intuitive than iOS.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: I could've sworn your chances of dying in a motorcycle accident were higher than your chances of dying in an automobile accident. I saw the statistic just the other day..

@DustyButt: Funny how the tables have turned.

@UnderLoK: WW1 was worse, honestly. We (U.S.) just weren't committed for a long enough time to experience the attrition that almost all other countries involved experienced.

The fact that you have to hit a button for it to show up? If it were iOS-like, you'd just have every fucking icon for every program currently loaded on your computer just piled on your desktop.

@SkipErnst: Haven't seen this one before. Priceless.

Launchpad is more Android-esque than iOS-esque.

If I had to cc 30 people and limit every email to 140 characters, yes. Private tweets as in making your tweets private. Not private messages.

@dirtlamb5: As I understand it, you can actually connect a light-peak connection to a USB3.0 port (some sort of connector would be needed, I assume). Of course it won't transfer data at the theoretical maximum of lightpeak, but that's really not an issue as you're not going to get those speeds anyway - even while