
Is it just me, or do they have huge feet relative to their body size?

Google Goggles is a barcode scanner as well. Might as well kill two birds with one app.

@bma2192: The only reason we, as humans believe in God is because of the way we evolved. First, we're not that bright, as a species. Granted, we have great heuristics, and that's why we're on top of the food chain, but we're not naturally logical by any means. We believe in the craziest shit most of the time

@yiff: But Android could care less. That's why I'm saying it. I'm sure Android tablets could handle multi-tasking simple apps side-by-side, and the AOSP wouldn't have a single problem implementing that. Sure you probably couldn't run angry birds + take a 1080p video simultaneously, but then again, why would you

@protodad: Like I stated earlier. We Americans have such selective memory. It's easy to compare Bush's debt to Obamas. However, when Obama was stuck trying to dig our nation out of a recession and was forced to invest trillions to the bail out effort, people tend to forget that it was Bush that put us there in the

Moving shadows behind the icons?

"Starstuff". I hate that word.

@Whitson Gordon: Idk! I use this USAA app that is basically a port from the iPhone, so it has this back/menu thing at the top, and it bugs the hell out of me! Just imagining that extra 1/2 inch of screen space...

@aThingOrTwo: What? When did OS X used to look like 7?

@aThingOrTwo: Wow, learned something new today: figuring out the function of four buttons is way above the learning curve of most people.

@Philip.J.Fry: What? Sorry, but that's false. My 4 Android hardware touch buttons take up less vertical space than the single button on an iOS device. My galaxy is slimmer, lighter, and almost the same size (LxW) as an iPhone4, AND I have a larger screen! So not really!

@yiff: I think you could manage to multi-task your gmail and calendar on the screen at the same time with today's hardware, honestly.

@Whitson Gordon: No, I agree - they just don't seem to get the matte finish right and it just seems uninteresting (granted, it was leaps beyond XP, but I'll take 7's glass to OS X anyday). Additionally, the iOS UI is so incredibly "candy-bar" glossy that it makes me feel like it's more of a toy than an actual

@Whitson Gordon: I respectfully disagree, good sir. I would hate to have so much wasted space on an already small screen. The phone OS handles navigation and menus fine as it is. If I wanted to only be able to use 2/3 of my screen I'd buy an iPhone and be done with it.

"In every application, the top bar is reserved for contextual options, navigation, or other buttons."

So did he cheat or not? They didn't even ask.

@protodad: Maybe I should've rephrased. American's have such selective memory. Sub-prime mortgage lending, credit default swaps, little to no regulation of banks, investments, or the stock market. Or have you completely forgotten how the market crash/recession happened in the first place?

@MazdaMania: And let me guess. All of this is somehow Obama's doing? Give the man some credit for fixing some really broken shit, and actually making progress towards getting us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, at least.