
@Michael Scrip: More like just what struggling fire truck escalator companies need to keep their employees employed and paying taxes to struggling governments - not to mention the employees of the company who supplies the materials. In addition to paying taxes, this keeps them off of unemployment and other government

@Kynes: How is it inferior spec wise? The Airs run core2 duos and come stock with 2GB of RAM shared with the onboard video. Whereas the Samsung runs i5s and comes stock with 4GB of RAM.

"it belongs on the deck of the Death Star."

@Matthew Ho: Oh, stop! I prefer to say intellectually inclined, but the short and sweet route works fine for me.

@LaziestManOnMars: I would think the opposite. When their wings are tucked and they aren't foiling air birds would probably slam into the ground pretty hard. I don't think their feathers and light weight can save them from a fall at terminal velocity.

Birds with poor night vision shouldn't be flying at night. Just sayin'.

@Mark 2000: Great artists steal! So the Grand Lord and Master Himself hath spoke on numerous occasions.

Easy fix: bananas just need to evolve to maintain a temperature of 98.6F.

@mrantimatter: I wasn't being serious. You're probably right.

Already? I'm still impressed with Windows 7, Microsoft. Chill.

@4thletter: True, didn't catch that they were identical batteries. Still, but why even bother putting it in the keyboard? Why not just double up the tablet?

@sygyzy: It can transmit data. It's not just a GPS. Please read the article again.

@mrantimatter: Well, it's not a slab, but it certainly is a slate.

@jyknyc: If you buy the version with the keyboard they are able to throw in a larger battery into the housing? That or they reported that sentence incorrectly.

John! 3rd sentence right near the end.

@nhat: No, it's not. But it's the most common standard used to compare processors.