
@Bulldogger: It's also interesting that most "flashbulb" memories are grossly incorrect. The mind's ability to fill in the blanks is truly fearsome.

@WestwoodDenizen: Which is pretty upsetting, regardless of if it makes sense or not.

@TheCrudMan: Had a good laugh here. Thanks.

@The5thElephant: I would argue that personal anecdotal evidence is a form of subjective evidence, but perhaps that's a misunderstanding on my part? And we could argue the differences between anecdotal opinions and objective evidence all day, but the point is that your comment didn't add validity in any shape or form,

@crazypills77: So again, What (anything) devices do you use on a regular basis? And why is it relevant? Do you need to currently own a device to have used it in the past?

@Svirfneblin: Oh, I know. It wasn't meant to be a mean response - just letting you know that it's not all about the CPU!

@Svirfneblin: And you're totally missing his point. Fact: number 1 draw of battery power in smartphones is the screen. Fact: AMOLEDS (and specifically SuperAMOLEDS) use less power.

Looks like TouchWiz and Sense had a baby...

"Don't flee; it makes it harder for the important, rich people to flee."

@crazypills77: Ignorant people assuming that other people are ignorant. You can use and be versed in a platform and still genuinely not like it, you know.

@The5thElephant: And I can offer contradicting evidence from an office two blocks from you, or right next to you, or 5000 miles from you. Personal biases are what make this subjective - just because you experience it, doesn't mean it is indicative of every other living being on the planet.

@Kaspir: It's quite the opposite. I hate it here, for the most part.

@chicago256241: You obviously have no fucking clue how stem cells operate. I apologize for my french, but the ignorance of some people is astounding. Embryonic stem cells are omnipotent - from the latin omnis (all) and potens (powerful). They can differentiate into all types of cells in the body. Bone marrow stem

"My Time Warner service is reliably awful, and for a period of maybe six weeks my connection would cut out everyday for about 15 minutes sometime in the early afternoon."

@Zendax: I'm calling it blue-yellow interval preference hypersensitivity disorder.

@DustyButt: From Google calculator: 120 (sq meters) = 1291.66925 sq feet

@badasscat: Exactly what I see. Wipe is also the perfect verb, because it doesn't happen immediately, it flows from one side of the square to the other. What I see is strange in that the blue and yellow are brighter on their respective edges, and in the middle they merge, but it doesn't become green.

@Architectin: I think you mean heads - plural. They cloned him about five times.