
@megan.l.best: Gizmodo is not 4chan! Kthxbai, /b/tard.

@sammy baby: Okay, not trying to be a downer or anything, but just send me the video and I will be able to tell you if she really has a case.

That'd make for a terrible soccer player. Imagine all the hand-balls.

That pdf link is broken, anyone mind posting a mirror?

I'm guessing representing actual humans would not as great as representing fruit.

Snohomish County sounds like a place where something like this would happen.

@balloondoggle: I find her jaw to be manly, but I still like her.

@ryusen: I was being sarcastic. So... I agree with you.

@GameOnHolmes: Dust has the ability, however slightly, to conduct electricity and short out components. That ability is compounded when the air is moist, and moisture gathers in the dust. There is nothing at all wrong with cleaning dust out of any electronics as long as you do it safely. There is also nothing wrong

@dosdelon: Yeah, really, put the NSFW tag.

@Beardstorming: The chances of one of these backscatter scans causing cancer is 1 in 200mil (per scan). That being said, you're right about it being accumulative - and every person's body is going to react differently. I feel sorry for people who travel regularly.

@Kerensky97: Because they make people feel "safer".

The content of this post doesn't elicit any emotional response from me. That picture of Yoko Ono, on the other hand, is scaring the shit out of me.

@bowei437: You had a weird way of coming around to your point, but a truer statement has never been said. AMD will always, always give you more bang for your buck - in a big way.

@fullcircle: Technically mine is an ASUS M4A87TD Evo (with USB 3.0!). Funny thing about this article, I had to adjust my CPU/NB voltage from 1.1 to 1.2 just last night because I was getting blue screens when playing flash videos in full screen. Needless to say, it was a long troubleshooting process.

@greensquirrel: Yeah, this is what I had the problem with. "Four of the sections were randomly assigned to the experimental group and three to the control group."