
You are literally a man who can't take no for an answer.

It sucks, but some guys don't take a simple "No" for an answer. The "I have a boyfriend" excuse is the one that persuades guys to leave me alone with the highest percentage of success.

An artist's depiction of Lily's editor hanging out in this comments section

Really? I love the current 3. Probably one of my favorite Mazda designs ever.

MPGs? Really?

But there's nothing better on a cold, snowed-in day than milk sandwiches!

the song about refusing service is about him. Him being too Jewish to be a Texan but too texan to be Jewish. It's actually mocking bigotry.

That is actually revolting.

Storm & Eisen's tributes were real & poignant. It showed people what friendship is. It has no color or gender. I'll be awaiting Phil Mushnick's snarky column on it tomorrow or Tuesday.

Fuck you ESPN. Fuck you right up the ass.

Amen, that ESPN tribute turned me in to a snotty nosed, teared up mess. Rich Eisen's tribute on NFL network fucked me up too.

I cannot be the only man to shed a tear today. We lost a good one today.

And suddenly, no one cared.

Ummmmm, lots of people liked it?

Think you'll get your own squad after what happened last night?

Another Floridian, Michael Irvin, also had a great time the first time encountering snow, and he hardly "got sick of it soon."

Kugler: [returns to office in darkened UTEP field house]

This is me throughout friday

Congratulations Sherlock, you have learned of the elusive phenomenon of a thing called "progress".