Rainbow Sherbet

My impression of Puffy AmiYumi was always, "Pink Lady, but done right".

There's a lot of great one liners in this episode, but my favs:
* Kennedy saying that Violet looked like, "Human Gaydar"
* An "irate" Santino saying, "Ask Hello Kitty what she thought of the bow ties!" and the camera cutting to Hello Kitty standing motionless.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the great moment when Ru asked Pearl about his experience in choreography and he just nods and smiles in this incredibly relaxed, goony way.

Her way of saying, "Lady MacBitch" killed me

I'll be laughing to the bank, all you do is giggle.

I never thought of it that way, but your conspiracy makes total sense @avclub-f6eca13d9b3861df5024a09739dd828f:disqus.

Rupaul has made multiple appearances on The Soup (in fact, he seems to pop up every season) and Joel has made mention of finding him to be hilarious. The show still gets made fun of, but it's clear that the humor is never of malicious intent or mockery.

I saw her open up for Local H and LIve. She wasn't too shabby (even Local H gave her props). She also didn't encourage the audience to hold hands with their neighbor and chant that The Buddha stood up for love (cough Live cough), so bonus points for her!

I honestly don't see Ginger winning. Katya will clearly make it to the finals and the outpouring of support online will be too much for Ru/producers to ignore. Ginger has either hatred from fans or she is grudgingly respected, which is not strong enough to really push her into the next level of Stardom. Just ask

Aside from her saying the word "Bitch" more times than I thought was humanly possible, the bit that made me lose it was, after waking up and realizing no one was around, her murmuring, "Ain't that some Bull Shit!"

Very true. Sometimes emotion (and a good song) are enough to make up for precision and finesse

Most def. When Fame showed personality, she was incredibly entertaining. When she dropped the cool persona and revealed herself to be neurotic, easily stressed, and slightly kooky, she's wonderful. Hell, just the way she fanned herself fan while listening to Kennedy's motor mouth had me lose it during Untucked last

I'm still a sucker for Raven/Juju's "Dancing on My Own" from All Stars.

My guess is that Ru is just disinterested this season, either out of fatigue, the previously fought battles over content with the network, the lack of sponsorship,the lack of really interesting queens to work with, or maybe some combination of the above points mentioned. He certainly isn't having as much fun as he

After last week's shitty prize, I had my fingers crossed that the trend would continue with the prize for this week being a subscription to Audible.Com, if only to see Ginj's face after being told that by entering Promo Code RuPaul, she could get one free Audio Book.

Humor is subjective, but I find Pearl to be very funny-I still lose it thinking about his delivery of the "Lady McBitch" line from that one challenge-and I think there's a genuine sweetness in his relationship with Trixie, which, when contrasted with the drama filled, ego centric personalities of Ginj and Kennedy,

"The Phone Call That Impregnated Me With Satan’s Child"

Untucked had some great moments this go around. Highlights include:

"Pearl, you are the winner of this challenge. You have won a No-Risk Trial to Stamps.Com. No more long lines at the post office!

It's pretty great. The weird thing is how all the guys think that having syphilis is an amazing thing. I swear, they were high fiving each other over the fact that they all had a venereal disease.