ResistanceDuckling 4ever With Her

Don’t get you someone who looks at you like Melania looks at Donnie. Their relationship is a nightmare.

My work had an ugly sweater contest today! I wore this beauty, but lost out to one that was sports-themed and had blinking lights. (this is not a picture of me.)

America: “Man, the White House is getting pretty trashy, what with Omarosa trying to break into the residence and the president watching TV all the time while leaving oreos and diet coke cans everywhere”

The unerring three C’s of Moore voters” Christian - Conservative - Commandments. Even in the face of blatant depravity and racism, vote for the twisted caricature of a fundamentalist with an (R) by his name no matter what.

Cherish that nephew

Harpies with cheeto stained fingers, that us all right. lol

They can all burn.

For many Jews, “Jew” is an ethnicity; in the US, most often it refers to being of Ashkenazi descent, the ethnic group which the majority of American Jews can trace their origin to. Thus, it comes with a huge amount of ethnic and cultural traditions that are distinct and separate from the actual religion. So you can be

I would mock the fact that she’s looking at the panda with more affection and joy than she’s ever looked at Trump, but who among us wouldn’t be more excited to hold hands with a panda than with Trump-Teeny-Todger.

everything is terrible,. kill everything with fire and last night story came out about George Takei

He got the neighbor’s dog pregnant.

I’m always* struck by how petty and selfish Carrie is. I would never be friends with someone like her. No wonder no one showed up for her birthday that one time!

I love the sex and the city slots, they are very addictive.

I see this outfit and raise you Samantha’s tacky fetish shop jumpsuit fashioned from a New York Dolls t-shirt. I couldn’t find a picture (which may be for the best) but I distinctly remember seeing that episode back when I was a teenager who actually listened to the New York Dolls and screaming “SACRILEGE!” at the

The occasional mass daily slaughter of innocent men, women, and children...

Only to the white ones.

“Oh, you have tiny hands! I like so much when man have so tiny hands! Is sexy!”

I think it makes sense. Of course she identifies with an educator who puts her students in danger and doesn’t actually teach them all that much.

I have exciting news for those who have been following my posts about being in an emotionally abusive relationship. I signed a lease for an apartment yesterday! It’s been a mix of emotions (celebration, sadness, guilt, optimism). I looked at a ton of apartments and finally found one that could feel like home. Since,

Low sales of Paula Dean books, confederate flag swimsuits going on the black market, underground manufacture of topsy-turvy mamie dolls. The horror....the horror...