ResistanceDuckling 4ever With Her

I feel bad for Beyonce too. Jay Z openly treats her like shit for over a decade and then tries to make up for it via an album. (Hint: much like my ex, if you really thought your significant other was the best thing to ever happen to you, you wouldn’t do anything to risk losing her. No, you knew what you had and were a

And the Trumpanzees are all “lol can’t you take a joke” about it. God, their hypocrisy is astounding. This is how they win though. Screech like stuck pigs when anything at all happens to them. But then gaslight the fuck out of everyone when they do something that is just as bad, but most times WORSE.

I think Sons of Patriarchy would be a better name.

I’ve seen it twice only because I’m waiting for another group of friends to get their act together to find a time we can all go see it

Time to go and see it again.

Oh gee, Trump lied and doesn’t give a shit about anything but photo ops where he can shove himself to the front? Surprising!

I shared this story on Jezebel before, but it was a long time ago, so might as well tell it again:

My dad is pretty great.

One time I was arguing with my boyfriend on AIM (lol), and my dad walked in and saw me crying. I was so upset that I didn’t tell him why I was crying. Being my dad and not knowing what to do about my emotions, he left the room and came back with $60 in cash, then laid it down next to my computer and left. Thanks, dad.

She is almost 51. Can a peri-menopausal/menopausal woman not play with her newly acquired belly fat? I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA.

I was dress shopping with my 13-year-old daughter over the weekend, and we came across a piece at Lord & Taylor that briefly caught her eye. The look of dread in her eyes when she saw the Ivanka Trump label and tossed it back on the rack was definitely a proud papa moment.

Impaired driving is impaired driving. I don’t care if it’s booze, Percocet or anything else - if you are even slightly impaired, don’t get behind the wheel.


apparently, Trump can only grab pussy and not hands

I typed “Weiner” in on a video search and now my work internet access is blocked.

Way too young to play Mrs. Pence

Because American Christianity is a fucking joke.

If you made a Venn diagram of Christians and Trumpsters, “Dumb White Motherfuckers” would be dead-center.


War-loving America joined last