The lookout man
The lookout man
Or as our esteemed former pres said, “there’s a saying in Tennessee—well, it’s a saying in Texas, probably Tennessee—fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, won’t get fooled again.”
Let’s send Suzy a nice e-card for all her hard work.
Fuck Susan Sarandon. When she was saying Trump would be better than Clinton (because at the time that was the choice) she advocated that with Trump there might be a revolution. Fuck your spoiled, privileged, white lady life. Bitch doesn’t know the first thing about revolution. People fucking die in revolutions. …
(the shitpic compression on this makes it extra Trumpian)
WTH? Why is he so weird?!
I’ve said this dozens of times since the election and I’ll keep saying it:
I just can’t even with evolutionary biology. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s not actual science. I have a Ph.D. in a scientific field and just llooovvveee when dudebros with a BS in Political Science (at best) mansplain all that shit to me.
Oh shut the fuck up. The left fucking harassed her for a year for being too “middle America” and so she decided to go further left and lost middle America and the election. You’re fucking useless.
Yeah man, we’re so glad America chose* a lying racist instead.
I think they’re causing democratic leaders, like Schumer, to take a tougher stance in dealing with Trump, possibly causing republican leaders to question whether they’re really doing what their constituents want, and this one is petty, but I think it hurts the little baby’s feelings.
Me too. You know, stuff sucks bad right now, but I’m so proud that so many good folks are stepping up. I’ll have to go see this now.
Yes because talking to Nazis in the 20s and 30s really convinced them of the errors or flaws in their argument.
1. JFC can we not get him a fucking speechwriter at this point? Can he read? Is that a requirement to be president?
“Ted Cruz made out with a hot dog? It was one time!”
“Why should Trump just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? I’m just as cute as Trump, right? I’m just as smart as Trump, people totally like me just as much as they like Trump, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because…
“Donald Trump is the nastiest skank bitch I’ve ever met. Do not trust him! He is a FUGLY SLUT...”
Out of the white house and in the big house.
Yes, that completely describes a man who went to columbia, harvard, and then oxford. and graduated with honors.