Rainbow Bite

...why would she ever have been concerned about that? There’s no indication she thought he would do that. 

except (for now) both aborting and not aborting are legal. killing or harming someone are. so while ideally, everyone would be careful, this attempt to equate the two is ridiculous. 

Different societies have different gender norms, stereotypes, expectations, taboos, etc. Something that’s considered typically masculine in one place can be seen as typically feminine in another. Or during another time in history. A society develops ideas about what is considered feminine and masculine, as well as

Also, what were Beyoncé and Jay-Z even doing there?”

When my cat stares at me, I stare right back and start doing the slow blink. Then she starts doing a slow blink. Then we’re both trading off slow blinks until she closes her eyes serenely. 

No one, celebrity or otherwise, should feel obliged to label themselves as one sexuality or another just to make other people comfortable.

Don’t know how genuine Harry Styles’ comments on sexuality are (as I generally don’t trust celebrities who are trying to get attention and sell things), but his response is valid and correct. No one, celebrity or otherwise, should feel obliged to label themselves as one sexuality or another just to make other people

That story was way less interesting than the headline promised. I was thinking maybe they brought in some priests to exorcise the cheating demons (cheatons?) from Offset. “The Power of Christ compels you not to cheat!”

In the immortal words of one of our greatest philosophers:

I think we read this differently. My overall feeling of the tone in this piece, “Was don’t come for her unless she sends for you.” 

Is this Mrs Trump wife number 4 in the making?

I can’t believe Jennifer Anniston isn’t on this list. Complete the triangle Angelina.

It’s more like Best Publicist This Year.

From one pasty person to all the other pasties: anytime you are about to say, ”I’m not a racist, but...” just don’t. Close your piehole. I can guarantee *anything* that comes after that ”but” will be racist, and I will not hesitate to call you out for it.

I want this shirt to wear to the dog park.

Set up a few stands at popular tourist destinations around the country, and you’re set for life.

I’m the conductor of the “Jennifer Lawrence is wildly overrated” train. Feel free to hop on!

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