
"Jesus Christ on a goddamn rocket ship, are you fucking nuts? Save the world and get all the women, you dickbrained sociopath! What's going to impress her more than saving the entire goddamned fucking planet? MORON!"

Ohno was pretty good, esp at the winner's circle.

My choices for possibly better clues:

Yeah, but they lost the big money. No excuse for that on the celeb version, there are always a couple of questions with obvious big-point answers.

Yeah, I got them confused. It involved the US selling arms to Iran to fund the contras, but there were also hostages involved. Plenty of cowboy diplomacy going on.

Somebody with real knowledge musta told Trump that they wouldn't let him have his Russo-Merican Cyber Unit.

Good clarification. You're right. I got them mixed up. Been a while. But I do remember that GWHB wasn't clean on that.

"It's not easy being red…"

Google "Iran contra". It was real. Juuuuuust enough distance between Reagan to keep him at plausible deniability. Not sure how Poppy got away with it.

Look at the shit they dump on Chelsea now. It would be a thousand times worse.

If I had to guess, I'd say Trump's love of Russia is about money. Follow the money, investigators.

Don't forget the child sex slaves Hil and PODesta sent to Mars.

It's not like he's hosting Republican fundraisers at his house or anything…oh, right. He is.

Another mythed opportunity.

Seems as likely as the Royal Flush Gang.

Nathan Fillion would make a good Bateman.

Iosif from BPRD kinda looks like a bulkier Mr Freeze.

Which is weird, since she can and does function as a solo character or paired with someone else, like Ivy or Power Girl.

The problem, I think, is that movies are so expensive that they have to get all the notes and aporoval and meddling of non-creative financial and producer types, and, by trying to please everybody, they truly please nobody.