
Very sophisticated for Disney. Cool stuff.

You can't have the home screen be horizontal and still have the same amount of apps. There's not enough room. That's why Apple didn't do it. Do you really want 5 rows of apps horizontally? It works on the iPad cause there's so much space.

He was also really good in Spaceballs!


@chrispy: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'm all for realism, but overhead light source shadows are going a little too far.

And this is the first time I like the white one. Reminds me of the first iPod.

@AddyDugdale: Welcome back temporarily. Your witty writing is always a pleasure to read.

They're so cheap with the updates. Couldn't they have made a higher res version. Those pixels must be gigantic! You can have a higher res and a larger font. And it would be more readable because there would be less jagged edges. I don't like this but I'll reserve full judgment if/when I see one. #top

It would be cool if it was real wood and not faux wood plastic. Too kitsch for me.

I love Dyson's. They're so badass. I would pose the same way if I had two of em in my hands.

Time Warner Cable NYC just updated all the boxes over the air, and the new interface looks nice and has some more info. But it's so unintuitive and buggy. There's a lag for just about everything you do: opening/closing the channel guide, opening closing the DVR menu. The DVR menu adds all this useless iconography to

This was at the wired store in NYC over the holidays, and I got to type on it a little. (You guys didn't make it?) It did feel very solid, though it was blinking all kinds of colors and it wasn't connected to a computer. The keys did feel pretty normal, though they looked like a plastic toy. There's something about

Nice self-portrait.