
Trump hasn’t taken office yet and it’s his America already? No, this is clearly Bush’s fault.

They have it as a PDF now so the driver can read it on their phone while running red lights.

You see more flops in 35 seconds of any terrible soccer game than you see in a season of NFL games. Nice try, soccer guy. I think you have a 0-0 tie to comment on somewhere.

They’re almost as easy to spot as the Clinton voters acting like butt hurt emotional babies all over this thread. Jezebel is one door down on the left. <——

They are entertainers you fucking nitwit. Stop looking to “famous” people to make your statement for you. The Hollywood left showed you how effective that is within the last 3 months. Who gives a fuck if Leslie or Kate are progressive? You do. Do you think a shitty comedian getting fired for refusing to to their job

Lost me at “megasquirt.” ;)

You assume, wrongly, that the taxes raised from his special district would have been generated and spent on said services. Since the revenue will be raised by the tax revenue from the entertainment district it will only be generated if the stadium is built. We have things like resort taxes, hotel and rental car taxes,

I live in Gilbert. From my house, right off the 202, it is 36 miles. To make a 730 game I have to leave my house no later than 530. I usually don’t get home from work until 545-6. Then I get home by 1130. Traffic here sucks, at certain times. The new arena is 25 minutes from me, and the traffic won’t be an issue. Same

So do you think that arresting illegals attempting entry is a good strategy? If you say yes then they ALL should be arrested, if you say no then throw open the fucking door and let them all in. You can’t have it both ways. Your trying to legislate with feelings instead of reasoning. Do their lives suck? Of course. Can

Really, fool? What the hell have you been watching, reading, and listening to for the last 7 months? Holy shit, it’s like you don’t see video of idiots crying like 2 year olds after she lost. And most weren’t crying because they thought Trump was coming to grab their pussy. Shut up and admit that most of the people on


So there are no sketchy financial deals? I’ll wait while you look here:

 Clintons email server fiasco was a small peek into the integrity of your hero. The trail of broken marriages, sketchy legal and financial dealings, and the body count the Clintons have left in their wake might have swayed some people. Not everyone is ok with the way Hillary acted during her career. And I think it’s

And the other option was a shining example of what? That’s right, a garbage human. Your displeasure is noted. Since your “feelings” of outrage will change exactly nothing, accept the fact that our new president is a shit bag. Just like the person he beat. Stop acting like Hillary was going to lead you to the promised

No rioting or looting. They all had to go to work, so their tax money could be spent on Planned Parenthood and other worthy social programs. And of course mortgages and car notes need to be paid. These protesters are the exact reason why middle America gave Hillary the finger.

Actually, the red states are too busy fucking YOU in the asshole to bother with fucking themselves. And they didn’t even give you any time to mourn. That’s a shame. For you.

It leaves you right where my boss, who is black, is. In total control of your own destiny, with no limitations. You dont need a Democrat in the White house to fulfill your dreams and aspire to greatness. Like Trump said, 50 years of Democrat policies have been very bad for minorities. Might as well see what he’s got.

Blame whitey. 78% of the population, who has been ignored by our scumbag politicians, finally said they’ve had enough. Fuck Hillary Clinton and her pandering to special interest groups. Middle class America has spoken, and too fucking bad if you don’t like it. Next time don’t force us to choose between a flaming bag

Today you also learned that Hillary Clinton is a trash candidate. Something a lot of us have known for quite some time.

So in your little bubble it is inconceivable that people actually thought that Hillary is a lying sack of flaming dog poop and couldn’t stomach the thought of another Washington scumbag as president?