Sure, but where does the funding come from? That’s the whole problem. The government has mostly left animal issues to private entities, and I don’t see that changing significantly as long as institutions like LSU continue to step in and adopt these poor creatures. Throw a few of these ass clowns in prison for 10 years…
Had to Google that, but no, my high school was the Kings, and my college, oddly enough, was the Tigers, one of the 22 that aren’t LSU. Neither had a live mascot, but it might have been cool to have a captive King ;)
So don’t rescue the dying tiger from a shitty road side zoo? That’s exactly what you are advocating. Think deeper. If every school could afford to rescue and house just one mascot than these shit holes wouldn’t exist. Then when they die off they can’t be replaced because there will be no place to source them. It’s…
No, that’s not even close to what you wrote or implied. And if you think you did, you should call your local community college and demand a refund. If no one had a tiger to be rescued then LSU wouldn’t be heading off to Africa to grab a cub you fucking moron. Your ‘living in the wild’ rant has zero to do with road…
No, not even close to the same. Puppy mills exist to breed and sell puppies. Road side attractions exist to simulate a zoo experience. Both are horrific but comparing LSU rescuing a tiger from a failed zoo-like enterprise to buying from a puppy mill is way off base. You buy a puppy and another puppy replaces it…
I dont understand the whole point, either. LSU rescues a tiger from a shitty road side attraction and LSU is the reason the road side attraction exists? Um, no, the road side attraction exists because there a shitty people willing to mistreat animals so other shitty people can stop during a road trip and show little…
Dad is now 73 and I still wouldn’t mess with him. In the same year we had a brawl after we crushed a team in CYO high school basketball. We were in the ‘hood and the other team thought we ran up the score. We did. Beat them by 40. Some of the parents from the other team thought the best way to handle it was in the…
Yeah, we have marijuana legalization on the ballot for November and the NO crowd is putting up signs with pictures of candy asking if people know that pot comes like this now. Do idiots really think I’m going to give out pot candy to kids? Those things are expensive. It would be cheaper to hand out joints.
When my daughter was 9 we were approached by officials from USA Gymnastics. My daughter had been involved with gymnastics since she was 5 and she apparently showed national-level potential. Her coach was a former NCAA men’s coach, so he had the ability to spot talent and the network to get the kids noticed if they…
Picture lots of bondo (salty roads in NY) and dark and light gray primer. And Crager wheels. A porn moustache would have completed the look, but this particular Randy was clean shaven. His buddy in the passenger seat is now a good friend of my older brother.
That’s awesome. I never even connected way the name fits the Camaro because we were in a fairly large New York city and fairly redneck-free. But yeah, it fits. My Dad also mocked his mullet at the time. Although I don’t think it was called a mullet yet. He just said the kids hair looked stupid.
Hit that car with a rock, please. In 1982 my Dad put a giant dent in the driver’s door of a 1971 Camaro (with a baseball) that a neighborhood punk was ripping up and down our city street. He had been told by residents and the cops to slow the fuck down but ignored it for about a month. Kid stopped the car, got out…
How did you and Gammy keep the rust from eating that? Road salt is like crack to those people. I spent 34 years in Western NY watching cars rust back into the Earth. God I love AZ.
In late 1989 my company issued Taurus sedan was approaching 60k. Time to order a new vehicle, corporate said. So I look at the list and see Taurus sedan and wagon, and the Celebrity sedan and wagon were my options. Since I knew what to expect from the Taurus, I went to the “big” Chevy dealer in Binghamton, NY to check…
PetesDragon, you are so right. Beyonce is a performer who entertains for all colors, especially green. And Amy Schumer is a comedian. They do stupid shit all the time. Most of the offended on this site seem to be white feminists, which makes this even funnier than Schumer’s lame ass tribute.
However, he came off as extremely angry about being disrepsected. Hence the flag and the ejection. So, yes, angry would be an appropriate description of this young black male. He lost his composure and got thrown out of a winnable game. He needs to worry less about being disrespected and more about being on the field…
A friend actually did that.
In 2006 I bought a brand new Kia Spectra5 wagon with a stick shift because my oldest daughter was 14 and was ready to learn how to drive. Two daughters learned how to drive on that and my youngest still has it, with 265,000 miles on the clock. She’s in college and said that she could leave the keys in it, running, and…
Were YOU on the jury? Maybe, just maybe they saw this for the nonsense it appears to have been. From lawyer comments since the beginning of the proceedings it was abundantly clear the outcome would be exactly what it was. And just because some of them took photos with him after the verdict doesn’t mean anything.…