
I went to a car meet and everyone thought my car was bad ass, cuz it is. Needless to say I got hella props.

I always thought this was the Jalop RV:

Naw, this is how true Jalops RV

I know its petty and I shouldn’t care, but ripping someone’s chain off in a football game is a chump-ass move. Like I can’t wrap my head around why it bothers me so much, the last time it happened and there was video I remember getting so mad. But seriously, Talib is a dick.

If you’re gonna fight someone don’t be a wuss, take off the helmet.

Didn’t Baylor and TCU just get into a huge fight on Thanksgiving? Dummy.

In the end, both players were asked talib the stadium.

That’s how you get fit.

ain’t y’all’s tall asses get all the channels anyway, walking-ass antenna motherfuckers, sad tall boys, old high-crying sad bitches, can’t you just look directly in the satellites

Simmer down now, kid.

Positioned like a race car” ≠ “In a race car”

Yeah, I can see that being a problem. If I were a dwarf

I think that $kay, rightly, may have been scared to Google two girls one Miata.

I used to have a boss who would say early is on time, on time is late.

No, its bad rap.

If you haven’t read or listened to Ashlee Vance’s biography of Elon Musk, I really highly suggest it. I didn’t really know how I felt about Musk until I read that book, but afterwards I can say that I hope he succeeds in the things he’s trying to do. He can be a dick, but he seems to be a person with good intentions,

Welcome to the continuing saga of Jalopnik trashing Elon Musk. No other news to report I suppose. I guess I’ll just stare at this Chevy ad that popped up in the middle of the article for a while...probably unrelated

...and then folks on sister sites like Jezebel and Splinter wonder why people like Louis CK’s victims wouldn’t go on the record with them and took their stories to the New York Times instead. Look how Deadspin treats what looks to me like a decently mundane e-mail exchange.; They publish the e-mails and use it as an