
I’m not easily impressed by concept cars, but this...this I like. A lot. The simplicity is refreshing, electric sports cars are always a win, and it’s just plain cute. The only thing it really needs is a longer tail - right now it’s hovering perilously close to the profile of the dreaded Chrysler Crossfire.

That isn’t the point.

make sure you get yellow so it doesn’t depreciate so much.

omg plz leave

He was sober enough to remember to stop, drop, and roll. Most people would have instead opened up shop.

This guy truther highlighting a HS volleyball SCtop10 play. Thanks dude.

Enjoy your weekend of driving through your neighborhood documenting minute lawn violations to report to your homeowner’s association.

I knew my RX7 would be trending again some day!! Yeah me!

What job? That guy is a volunteer.

“Some men just want to watch the world burn”

I’m not sure how I feel about going on Twitter to tell Twitter that you don’t care what Twitter thinks.

The ironic thing is that Marshawn Lynch represents everything that chuds used to complain was missing from pro sports. He loves playing football, shows that love with how he plays, is a genuinely interesting and thoughtful person, dislikes and distrusts the media and the more commercial aspects of the sport, and

I wish you guys would stop Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word. I can’t tell if the story is about Rob, her new boyfriend - or if her new boyfriend got robbed.

I actually appreciated that as an appropriate no call. The contact looked entirely incidental and Cooper’s right arm didn’t appear to be the proximate cause of Mitchell’s tumble. (It actually looked like Mitchell may have stepped on Cooper’s foot and that was the more proximate cause of his fall.)

“Why is it so hard to run out the clock?”

This is a bad opinion because Romo is awesome in the booth.


i don’t know anything about this game, community, or player, but reading this makes me want to attend every tournament near me to cheer for this guy. fucking loud.

It shouldn’t have to be said - Barrios doesn’t deserve to be treated like shit for playing well.