Sounds great, just plan on camping in your backyard.
Sounds great, just plan on camping in your backyard.
This is an automotive news blog. Regardless of their opinions they have to post this. What is more news worthy in the automotive world right now? Musk does a fine job of making himself look like an idiot. All Jalopnik needs to do is post it.
It honestly sounds like a SxS. Obviously going at a much higher rate of speed but that is really what it sounds like.
The fact that you list Drew Brees on here for promoting his faith and what he thinks is right shows how much of an idiot you are! Seriously making a video about “Bring your Bible to school” is on the same level as sexual assault and child abuse?!? What on earth is this world coming to?
Not since I was 7 and first saw the F40 have I desired a Ferrari more! This thing looks like the F12 TRS from a few years back just brought up to date. Not to mention using GTS in the name is the smartest thing Ferrari has done in a while, modern and classic at the same time. Well done boys! McLaren, please take…
Man, this sucks. They have recently been playing the old “Power Block” shows on YouTube and it reminded me how much I enjoyed those shows as ad heavy as they may have been. She was on a couple of them and it was nice to see a Woman on a show like that that was not there just to be there. She knew as much as, if not…
It looks as though someone took Photoshop and very meticulously erased the exact dimensions of an X6 from a background photo and then pasted the glass, grills, wheels, etc. on the accompanying blackness. It is rather unsettling to look at.
See the problem is, you are applying logic to question about a car built by Lancia. The company that when faced with an issue with the brakes on the Monte Carlo decided the best course of action...........remove the brake booster. There are numerous other foibles that Lancia purported over the years. Like Clarkson…
Looks can be deceiving. The Land Cruiser and Sequoia could not be more different. The Sequoia is built on an assembly line in Indiana using the architecture of the Tundra as its basis. Not a bad thing at all. On the other hand, the Land Cruiser is hand-built in Japan, not to mention all of the technical differences…
Shouldn’t the half-size Ram be a 750? Just saying. (1500/2 = 750)
Easy on the “Random YouTuber” comment there. SS717 is actually one of the better automotive YouTubers and is a Corvette man of the highest order. Don’t forget that we aren’t too far removed from Jalopnik being referred to as “Some random automotive blog.”
If you look up “Gentleman” in the dictionary it will say “See: Jackie Stewart” Also, he may be the person most responsible for the current safety of Formula One drivers, I feel like a lot of people do not pay attention to that.
While I do not agree with how they handled the situation, I fully agree with what Koenigsegg is trying to do here. Think about it, they have produced in total, fewer than 150 cars. If one of their top vehicles sells for a third of its market value that could theoretically pull the value of their entire brand down by…
Rainbow numbers on the uniforms and rainbow flags in the crowd. SMH. 😞
This was quite disturbing.
So the separation of Church and State is something that must happen in order for our society to prosper but the separation of “an individual’s sexual preference” and State is something to be fought against? “Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put…
It ended up with better panel gaps than it started with!
I have been rewatching Parks & Rec. on Netflix these past few weeks and I honestly feel like every time Elon Musk opens his mouth it is like one of the times when Leslie is made to look like an idiot by one of the City Councilors saying the most ridiculous stuff. Is anybody calling him on this crap? Honestly, Tesla is…
Mr. Glickenhaus already has the 512 Modulo up and running!
Go back and watch the Episode of Top Gear (The C.H.M. Clarkson, Hammond, May version), Season 20 Episode 3. They take a 458 Spider, MP4-12C Spider and R8 V10 Spider to Spain.