
I can see it now. Madden pulls out a whiteboard, blocks the incoming kick, then triggers ULTIMATE PLAYMAKER as a stream of vicious Xs and Os pour off the board, juggling the opponent before FATALITY he SLAMS you with a ten pound tube of Fast Actin’ Tinactin!

The best surprise is that this post wasn’t a slideshow.

On the other hand, if G/O Media engaged in a little more NICKEL-and-diming, they could maybe afford some editors.

I STILL have never beaten that goddamn game.

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

So would you say this has caused the franchise owners to go into full...meltdown?

The game was bloody hell, right?

Dollar Tree Wolverine got no game. 

No kotakufish??????????????????

A little background from someone who has been getting too into chess Youtube:
Bongcloud is basically a really bad move that Hikaru uses as white to force black to take the initiative, and then he will attempt to defend and hope that black makes a mistake he can punish.

Just let me roll for Rosaria already.


Now playing

Long time lurker but I just had to make an account tonight to post this hot take:

This truck sat for 17-16 years with Loren rotting away, life gets in the way but at no point could anyone be bothered to.... get the title fixed ...search for a radio on ebay ...seal off the hole in the floor ????

It’s probably both. I do see why they would put if off because of Cyberpunk 2077. I know that it’s a FTP game, but there have been a few games that paid dearly for launching stuff alongside highly-anticipated games; Titanfall 2 is a very good example of this, being launched alongside juggernauts like Call of Duty and

The spiiiiiice!

Are you sure you weren’t wishing for those with a monkey’s paw? That would certainly explain most of 2020.

You’ve definitely burned the last of your goodwill with RNGesus. Now for at least the next 5 years, that cosmic D20 roll that determines your life is going to come up straight 1's.....

Maybe it was just a lot of people taking sips from their luck potions.  I had long hoped to see Kingdoms of Amalur again, as well as this one.  Plus, seeing a good Tony Hawk game again has been kind of amazing.

Well if the cancellation of The Venture Brothers leads to a live action version, we’ve got our Billy Quizboy.