I didn’t know that! Thanks m8!
I didn’t know that! Thanks m8!
Playing Yakuza made me feel the exact same way! Can’t wait for my turn to play the next one cough cough.
U wot m8??
Indeed ! Made men made maid man
Sooo they don’t deny severely beating him but instead are saying he got in to the car of his own accord? Because that makes it better somehow? Good grief.
I was going to make a pun about GameStop’s prices for used games but this is seriously bloody scary
If it sells, hopefully the new management will be able to keep the employees on yeah . I on’t like the idea of people losing their jobs due to this arse’s behaviour
You’re absolutely right - the original anime is the benchmark and while this doesn’t look bad, I feel it doesn’t fit the tone of the original; too sterile. I’ll still give it a go yeah
Aw sh$t here we go again
Pika pika pika pika! Translation: Where is MewTwo??
Sorry to see you m8s leave. Best of luck to you both yeah
Snow 2.0
I believe you are correct on that one m8. One of my favourite video game tunes (besides the entirety of the SoR2 soundtrack lol)
One-winged Angel; though I doubt episode one of the FFVII remake will get far enough along story-wise yeah to feature that tune..
Jesus Christ. Perhaps that white fellow thought he was protecting Arby’s. Ugh.
As much as I hate Terry for personal reasons - all I wanted was the scroll containing the secrets of the Hakkyokuseiken - they had me at Garou
Exactly m8 lol One of my earlier animes (along with Ninja Scroll and Baoh)
That’s slick yeah! Now if there she could lightning kick Vega (Balrog) through a wall that’d be fantastic!
Agreed m8! I never gave up hope lol