
Beaucoup, not buku.

That, and he's retired.

And we're not?

‘Leave my son alone!” said Minaj on her radio show, according to Yahoo Sports.”

I live in Memphis. We have great bbq.”

Yep, she's the POS. Not you, but her.

He wasn't in uniform, so he could be sued privately, no?

This is what you get out all this? Not the fact that the boy who moved the bike didn't steal, and didn't deserve this asshole's wrath, but him moving the bike out of the way is what you think is wrong? Fuck off, you bootlicking piece of shit.

It's not like they're doing the job they're paid to do, anyway. 

First, fuck that bastard. He's a Chicago cop, he has no jurisdiction in Park Ridge. Second, the fuck he wasn't complying with your direction? 

Can't wait for delivery...of my 1/18 model 

Why is a person here replying to their own comments? Très bizarre.

Yet, you motherfuckers have no issue casting a white man as Jesus Christ

Damn. Charlie Meadows is mad. Mad, I tell you.

The city said they showed up with 500, there is video that the number was less than the 250 they paid for...

This headline is a joke, right? It has to be.

I tell you what, the same judge would have given her the death penalty, if she was black 

Fuck Koon-Ye

Affirmative is percentage of what legacy admission is. But the pawns are too dumb to sue for that

One of the two identified as "black".