Make no mistakes, they would have gotten away with it, if they wrote the N word and not the swastika.
Make no mistakes, they would have gotten away with it, if they wrote the N word and not the swastika.
That's what you get, going to eat at those shitty places. Waffle House, Cracker Barrel...stay away from them.
Did I just read a review for the A4?
Desperate cash grab.
Fucking cockroaches.
Damnation! Turbo S it is, then.
Scrappy underdog Steph Curry.
You ni$$@$ still fucking with the NFL?
George Karl really looking like an asshole here. Taking personal shots at players, can't let shit wonder no one wants to offer him a job.
Why? Because they can't afford the rent?
Probably because they're gonna die.
Shut the fuck up. Dumbass.
He did screw himself. That was his race to win.
Oh, shut up!
Vettel might get a penalty, and Lewis go to 2nd place.
What was the dirty trick? Even Horner said he didn't see anything wrong. It's not Lewis' or Mercedes job to make sure RBR get their lap in. Max could have overtake Lewis but didn't.
The Bucks didn't draft Middleton. The Pistons did and he spent 1 season there
I am tired of this damn place.
All 13 of yous?
They got him the win? Dude drove his ass off to win the race.