Oh Nikita you will never know
Oh Nikita you will never know
Nah, maybe you haven't heard about it but people have been marching, protesting about that poverty wage for a while now
Then buttons
Where were IHOP staff? Why didn't they do anything about it?
According to Tyrese, it’s “throw the tile! Throw the damn tile!”
The LT was resisting? You have another video of that happening? Shut the fuck up, you pos.
I fucking hate it here.
All lives matter, black lives don't matter. How did this guy make to sargeant?
He could have killed any of the four people in that still.
Meh. I am waiting for the RS anyway.
Are you blind? The only thing those 2 cars have in common is that they're both coupes.
Really? How were you going to do that? Stalk out an Amazon van or a semi, and wait till their drivers get out and use your spying skills to attach it to their vehicle?
Nike is a business, they do what's good for the business.
That rat face bastard did the same shit in 24 hours to live too.
Maybe they should start by not calling it autopilot?
Lewis win the race on Sunday
That damn mayor needs to go
Nah, the whites can have him.
Shut the fuck up!