All the goatee, hat and wraparound sunglasses wearing motherfuckers who spent all last year criticizing, calling this grown ass man who goes by “Booger” a dummy, a buffoon when he was in the MNF booth was giving him a lot of love today. This my friend is why “Booger” said what he said. He wanted their approval, and…
Yeah, I don't think she knows what she was born as.
“Harrold explained that she scratched him and tackled his son,”
The police supposed to be professionals, but second words out of their mouth is usually cuss words so they can escalate the situation. All of them, every single officers in the country need to be let go and start from scratch.
He's not gonna leave the country
“While the video shows the officer stayed calm and respectful throughout the brief encounter,”
Racist assholes were quick to say, “remember Hussie” like there haven't more of that shit than hoaxes.
THEY ARE NOT GETTING A "FREE EDUCATION". They're working for it. Better yet, pay them what they're worth and charge them for the education, I bet they would come ahead.
He didn't win 3 other championships wearing 45. Matter of fact, he went back to 23 after losing a game to Orlando in the playoffs during his comeback season.
White supremacy will never allow those conditions
You don't like the work of the mayor of flavortown? The hell is wrong with you?
Oh, the NBA will definitely fine his ass every time he was supposed to speak and don’t. The fines will also increase, so it’s gonna be up to him
Didn't that conehead nigga try this before? I remember him and a country singer releasing a song
Only charged with misdemeanors?
Dumbass!! I mean you are a dumbass.
What are you trying to do here?
The asteroid needs to hurry and erase us, just us off the planet.
gEoRgE RuSsElL JuSt ShOwEd uS iT's tHe CaR.